Monday 13 November 2017

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specializzata in elettrico, soluzioni di alimentazione, forniture mediche, forniture industriali, Tecnologia Carta e General Trading .. Chi Siamo Zoad è uno dei gruppi leader di aziende in Arabia Saudita specializzate in elettrico, Soluzioni per l'alimentazione, forniture mediche, forniture industriali, tecnologia della carta e General Trading. Lanciato la necessità di espansione del capitalismo nelle società del gruppo attraverso l'attuale tendenza a base di peer-visione alla base delle società del gruppo attraverso la necessità di espansione a causa della crescente attività all'interno delle società del gruppo. spingendo i funzionari al desiderio di espandere il mercato in modo da riempire i requisiti previsti dalle nostre società. Zoad società internazionale è una delle più antiche aziende del Regno di Arabia Saudita e le zone più prevalenti delle attività delle sue molteplici e che hanno sviluppato in molte delle attività come l'estrazione. cave. lavorazione del ferro. campi medici. Campi di carta. investimento immobiliare. e soluzioni elettriche e servizi commerciali come parte delle attività della società Agenzie per Holding e delle sue partner sono stati la sua caratteristica di tenere il passo con l'enorme volume di affari nel mercato saudita. dove cerchiamo di attrarre competenze nazionali e l'uso di talenti stranieri per eseguire il nostro business, come richiesto. Siamo inoltre convinti che vogliamo urgente di giovani talenti e l'esperienza pratica la ricerca di qualità. innovazione. un senso di sfida e senso di responsabilità. quindi è stato il nostro benvenuto piena accettazione di tutte le competenze, visitando gli uffici di nostre aziende o inviare richieste di unirsi a noi tramite il modulo web o attraverso il weite. dall'inizio delle sue attività Zoad in Arabia Saudita di fornire servizi di esperti a tutti i suoi suidiaries che forniscono servizi a molti clienti e le attività all'interno del Arabia Saudita ha assicurato questa politica e la presenza di forti società della Società. Questa posizione è stata ulteriormente migliorata con l'espansione delle attività Gruppi Zoad ora comprende numerosi suidiaries strategiche che si estendono su una vasta gamma di settori KSA attivi. Come parte dell'impegno companys verso l'eccellenza, BAH si sforza costantemente di creare nuove opportunità, lo sviluppo di partnership con aziende leader. Questi carattere altamente valore hanno contribuito al Gruppo di sviluppare progetti e le imprese che attraversano tali industrie diverse come business minerario e frantoi, manifatturiero, immobiliare, la soluzione elettrica, Power Solutions, campi della medicina, della carta, industria siderurgica e giacimenti di petrolio. Questa vasta rete di rapporti commerciali locali e internazionali ci permette di concentrarci su un impegno a senso unico per sviluppare l'economia KSA e migliorare la sua presenza globale, garantendo una crescita robusta e costante avanzamento. Questa strategia ci mette in una posizione in cui possiamo fornire alle aziende globali alla ricerca di opportunità di investimento nella regione con le strutture per raggiungere e toccare i mercati locali, a vantaggio reciproco di tutti i soggetti coinvolti. Privacy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod Tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna. Ipsum dolor sit amet conse ctetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod Tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud esercitazioni ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex EA Commodo consequat consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc suscipit. Suspendisse enim arcu, Convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean sempre aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede a Sapien sodales Mattis. Quisque Pretium, lacus nec iaculis vehicula, Arcu libero consectetuer Massa, auctor aliquet Mauris ligula id ipsum. Vestibulum pede. Mecenate sit amet augue. Sed blandit Lectus Eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, tempor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, ut pharetra, viverra sed, egestas nca, Mauris. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud esercitazioni ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex EA Commodo consequat consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc suscipit. Suspendisse enim arcu, Convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean sempre aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede a Sapien sodales Mattis. Quisque Pretium, lacus nec iaculis vehicula, Arcu libero consectetuer Massa, auctor aliquet Mauris ligula id ipsum. Vestibulum pede. Mecenate sit amet augue. Sed blandit Lectus Eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, tempor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, ut pharetra, viverra sed, egestas nca, Mauris. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud esercitazioni ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex EA Commodo consequat consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc suscipit. Suspendisse enim arcu, Convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean sempre aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede a Sapien sodales Mattis. Quisque Pretium, lacus nec iaculis vehicula, Arcu libero consectetuer Massa, auctor aliquet Mauris ligula id ipsum. Vestibulum pede. Mecenate sit amet augue. Sed blandit Lectus Eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, tempor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, ut pharetra, viverra sed, egestas nca, Mauris. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud esercitazioni ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex EA Commodo consequat consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc suscipit. Suspendisse enim arcu, Convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean sempre aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede a Sapien sodales Mattis. Quisque Pretium, lacus nec iaculis vehicula, Arcu libero consectetuer Massa, auctor aliquet Mauris ligula id ipsum. Vestibulum pede. Mecenate sit amet augue. Sed blandit Lectus Eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, tempor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, ut pharetra, viverra sed, egestas nca, Mauris. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud esercitazioni ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex EA Commodo consequat consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nunc suscipit. Suspendisse enim arcu, Convallis non, cursus sed, dignissim et, est. Aenean sempre aliquet libero. In ante velit, cursus ut, ultrices vitae, tempor ut, risus. Duis pulvinar. Vestibulum vel pede a Sapien sodales Mattis. Quisque Pretium, lacus nec iaculis vehicula, Arcu libero consectetuer Massa, auctor aliquet Mauris ligula id ipsum. Vestibulum pede. Mecenate sit amet augue. Sed blandit Lectus Eget lectus. Mauris justo. Curabitur nibh lectus, dapibus id, tempor eu, tempor non, erat. Proin pede eros, ut pharetra, viverra sed, egestas nca, Mauris. Zoad Factory è stato istituito con un investimento saudita e giordano è venuto dopo aver studiato il mercato frantoio locale e mulini in Arabia Saudita. Zoad fabbrica sta producendo tutti i tipi di frantoi come un impartire frantoi. Vagli vibranti e alimentatori. Zoad factorys pioniere è la produzione di alta qualità, che garantisce un servizio post-vendita non siamo l'unica azienda nel mercato, ma stiamo cercando di essere il frantoio principale produttore buona e regolare comunicazione con i nostri clienti e la loro soddisfazione per il nostro prodotto è nostri pionieri Dopo abbiamo dimostrato la nostra responsabilità possiamo portare quello che serve per fare aumentare la capacità dei frantoi con il tempo che passa. e la nostra esperienza che ha iniziato in Giordania cinque anni fa e dieci anni in Arabia Saudita, che dobbiamo fare ciò che è meglio in frantoi mondo, in modo che tutti gli interessati consulenza in questo campo per chiedere qualche consiglio. ZOAD per International Petroleum Company è stata fondata sul retro di una lunga esperienza nel settore del leasing e la creazione di stazioni di petrolio e commercio di idrocarburi in tutte le città del Regno di Arabia Saudita, dove ci differenziarci fornendo la migliore servizi di petrolio nella regione. l'azienda dispone di un centro per i servizi di tutti i tipi di vetture. così come diverse stazioni sparse nel Regno di Arabia Saudita comprendono stazioni di servizio. mostre, supermercati e ristoranti e lavandini per le auto. dove l'azienda ha sviluppato una strategia economica volta a fornire la strada pubblica attraverso la fornitura di prodotti certificati a livello internazionale dai principali produttori nel settore del petrolio nel mondo dove il servizio esteso centra la società da Jeddah a Riyadh. la grazia di Dio Onnipotente, siamo al centro di economica attira molti clienti a seguito di una chiara pianificazione e sviluppo strategico. che ha contribuito ad un aumento della nostra attività nel periodo passato. Il prossimo periodo, non vediamo l'ora di sviluppare il nostro business ed espandere le nostre attività nel Regno di Arabia Saudita attraverso l'aumento della diffusione di centri di servizio nel Regno, pur mantenendo la qualità complessiva offerto dalla società è attualmente in via di sviluppo e ancora più in futuro . ZOAD International Company ha lo scopo di fornire forniture mediche a livello mondiale per essere una delle aziende leader nel settore delle forniture mediche in Arabia Saudita, dove l'azienda si rivolge ai centri scientifici e università mediche private e piattaforme scientifiche per la fornitura di dispositivi medici e materiali necessari per loro di completare le relative ricerche scientifiche. La società sta anche lavorando su una comunicazione continua per assicurarsi di onorare gli impegni di business che fornisce loro tutte le loro esigenze, dove sempre lavorando sodo per risolvere i loro problemi e di fornire le loro esigenze nel più breve tempo possibile. Keen forniti Supplies Global Medical fin dall'inizio per essere una delle aziende leader nel mercato in termini di capacità di fornire requisiti medici, come i materiali di chimica. plastica e altri con l'azienda per le diverse specialità del trattamento dei laboratori medici e attrezzare laboratori di ricerca. scuola di impianti di trasformazione. impianti di trasformazione multimediale in tutto in tutto il regno, in cui cerchiamo di applicare i meccanismi avanzati e nuove strategie di aumentare la nostra portata nel mercato saudita per fornire i migliori servizi ai nostri clienti in futuro. società Zoad internazionale per la tecnologia della carta è stato istituito per fornire documento tecnico sul retro di una lunga esperienza in molteplici settori della carta in cui l'azienda ha voluto entrare nel mercato saudita, con tutti i dettagli relativi alle tecniche di carta. Se la società ha combattuto in molte aree della carta tecnologia includono i titoli di Stato, assegni carte, carta da stampa, così come tutti i tipi di carta, come specializzata cruda, cartone, carta comune. E 'specializzata anche nella tecnologia degli inchiostri, così come i vari tipi di materiali di stampa Quando la azienda si rivolge negozi, governo macchine da stampa, pubblicità aziendale. Oggi, dopo l'ingresso nel bel mezzo del mercato saudita, l'azienda si propone di aumentare la diffusione dei suoi rami che cerca di prima filiali aperte in tutta la città di Jeddah e Al Khobar di includere al suo ramo principale a Riyadh. Arabia massima Power Company fa parte del gruppo zoad che è l'esperienza di una partnership di valore massimo. Offriamo rivenditori la massima qualità di protezione dell'alimentazione e soluzioni di infrastrutture critiche, tra cui sistemi statici di continuità (UPS), la distribuzione di energia, e l'aria condizionata modulare per la soluzione di potenza. Con i nostri prodotti di alta qualità, youll anche sperimentare la massima facilità d'affari a seguito di eccezionale disponibilità dei prodotti, servizio clienti senza pari, sconti sui prezzi estremamente interessanti, e le vendite personalizzate e supporto marketing per far crescere il vostro business. Ci si può fidare Arabia Max Power per soddisfare tutte le vostre esigenze di potenza e infrastrutture critiche. Con quasi 20 anni di esperienza nel settore, l'Arabia Max Power assicura che si ottiene il massimo dei risultati. Se sei un utente finale interessato all'acquisto di un sistema di backup di batteria UPS, distribuzione di pista bus di alimentazione modo o aria condizionata modulare si prega di utilizzare il nostro Localizzatore rivenditori tool.10: ore 19 Grana y Montero smentisce categoricamente le dichiarazioni di ex rappresentante di Odebrecht Jorge Barata ( GRAM). quotWe categoricamente negare tali dichiarazioni e ribadire che la nostra Società e dirigenti non erano a conoscenza, hanno partecipato, né fatto pagamenti in relazione a qualsiasi tipo di tangente o il rimborso di tali pagamenti effettuati da Odebrecht. Allo stesso modo, e con la stessa fermezza, ribadiamo la nostra volontà di continuare a collaborare con le indagini per quanto riguarda questo caso, con il massimo interesse a lasciare che la verità sia known. quot 7:47 di questa settimana più grandi gainerslosers (: WRAPX). Di seguito sono di questa settimana top 20 salgono percentuali e superiore 20 perdenti percentuali, suddivisi per settori (oltre 300 milioni di capitalizzazione di mercato e 100K volume medio giornaliero). Questa settimana Top 20 salgono Sanità: LNTH (12.73 34.66), CYH (9.22 33.62), AXDX (26,6 14,9), THC (21.99 13.53), SRPT (31.95 12.98) Materiali: TROX (17,4 20.67) Industrials: GNK (11.36 15.1) , SBLK (9.5 15.01), FIX (38.65 14.86) Consumer Discretionary: płki (79.02 19.51), RH (31.34 16.85), TV (26.44 14.41), LL (17.39 13.22), GNC (8.63 12.96) Information Technology: KEM (11 36.48), AAOI (46.22 24.01), SQ (17.43 20.46), UCTT (14.66 20.26), CNDT (16.97 12.98), OLED (81.5 12.96) Questa settimana top 20 dei perdenti Sanità: TRVN (4 -43,9), MNTA (15.5 - 18,42), AMRI (15.21 -18,27), ANF (15.19 -17,45), BCRX (5,51 -16,01) Materiali: NAK (1.55 -31.42), HCLP (17,35 -18,54) Industria: grammo (3,32 -35,03) voluttari: ORL (4.31 -30,71) Information Technology: SREV (4,01 -31,22), ACIA (54.03 -18,86), OCLR (9,23 -16,29) Financials: OCN (4,24 -19,08) Energia: BPT (21,3 -27,92), FMSA (9.93 -17.59 ), PKD (1,95 -17,02), QEP (14.05 -16.72), AROC (13,35 -15,51), SWN (7,35 -15,32) 7:20 del gruppo del platino metalli conferma il ritiro di Mr. Peter Busse come Chief Operating Officer come precedentemente annunciato - la sostituzione sarà nominato a tempo debito. (PLG). 19:00 Renesas ha annunciato il completamento dell'acquisizione di Renesas Intersil Corporation (ISIL) (RNECF). Come già annunciato nel mese di settembre 2016, Renesas anticipa che le opportunità di espansione di guadagno breve che a lungo termine, combinati con le efficienze di costo attesi modesti associati con una maggiore scala alla fine di generare sinergie di US170 milioni (circa 17 miliardi di Yen a un tasso di cambio pari a 100 yen per il dollaro). La transazione dovrebbe aumentare immediatamente Renesas lordi e margini operativi e un aumento degli utili Renesas non-GAAP per azione e free cash flow dopo la chiusura. 18:40 Banro fornisce aggiornamento sulla progressione della ricapitalizzazione (BAA). Banro riferisce che, così come previsto dalle condizioni della ricapitalizzazione, la Corte Superiore di Giustizia dell'Ontario ha emesso l'ordine provvisorio che, tra le altre cose, autorizza la Società di convocare riunioni dei possessori di US175 milioni di obbligazioni senior garantite e serie Banros una preferenza quote e azioni di serie B privilegiate di approvare, tra le altre cose, il piano aziendale precedentemente annunciato di sistemazione. La Società intende inoltre tenere una riunione dei titolari delle proprie azioni ordinarie ad approvare, tra l'altro, la ricapitalizzazione. Gli incontri sono in programma che si terrà il 31 marzo 2017.As le Obbligazioni Esistenti sono contemplati da scambiare conformemente ai termini del piano di accordo come sopra descritto, non è destinato a rendere il rimborso del capitale dei Titoli Esistenti in marzo 1, 2017 e le Notes esistenti dovrebbero rimanere in sospeso fino a quando l'attuazione della ricapitalizzazione, che si prevede l'attuazione a verificarsi nei primi mesi a metà aprile 2017. l'ordine interinale anche un soggiorno in cui, fino a che il precedente del 30 aprile 2017 e la data la ricapitalizzazione è implementata, qualsiasi persona, compresi i titolari delle Obbligazioni esistenti, è rimasto di esercitare determinati diritti o rimedi, compresi i diritti o rimedi derivanti dell'avvio del procedimento ai sensi della CBCA o inadempienza default o cross sotto le Notes esistenti, contro o nei confronti della Società o di sue controllate di materiale o di una qualsiasi delle loro rispettive proprietà o beni. 18:14 FireEye sul radar dopo aver confermato la partecipazione a tre prossime conferenze degli investitori (spesso il bersaglio di mampas SPECULAZIONE) (Feye). Co ha annunciato la partecipazione alle prossime conferenze degli investitori. Morgan Stanley e Media Technology Conference Telecom il 27 febbraio, Pacific Crest Emerging Technology Summit 28 febbraio JMP Securities 2017 Technology Conference 28 febbraio 18:02 Raytheon conferma è stato assegnato 1.066.297,129 mila contratto per fornire lo Stato del Qatar con le prime ATTENZIONE sistema radar ( VEDERE 17:09) (RTN). 18:01 CELANESE aumenterà il prezzo di Vinyl EMULSIONI acetato BASATI venduti in Cina (CE). Il prezzo per emulsioni VAE venduto in Cina aumenterà di 240mt efficace 23 febbraio 2017, o come contratti altrimenti consentono. Questo aumento dei prezzi influisce su tutte le applicazioni per le emulsioni VAE compresi, ma non limitatamente a, adesivi, vernici e rivestimenti, impermeabilizzazione, edilizia e costruzioni e moquette. 16:31 SYCAMORE Partners ha acquisito il marchio Limiteds E ALTRE ATTIVITA 'DI PROPRIETA' INTELLETTUALE CORRELATE (XRT). La proprietà intellettuale è stato acquistato attraverso un'asta competitiva gestito da The Limited, come parte dei suoi lavori in corso Capitolo 11 svolte negli Stati Uniti TRIBUNALE FALLIMENTARE per il Distretto di Delaware. 16:24 PATRIMONIO NETTO UNA CENTRI REGENCY ha inoltre approvato (REG) fusione oggi transazione dovrebbe chiudersi il 1 ° marzo (vedi 10:46) (EQY). 16:23 Sintesi chiusura del mercato: Pomeriggio Rally Foglie Medie con modesti guadagni (: WRAPX): Il mercato azionario ha tenuto una modesta perdita per tutta la maggior parte della sessione di venerdì, ma il sentimento prudente era solo un'illusione, come i tori hanno acquistato il tuffo e spinto il mercato azionario nel verde durante i minuti finali della sessione. Il SampP 500 (0,2) e il Nasdaq (0,2) guadagnava guadagni sottili, mentre il Dow (0,1) ha terminato appena sopra la sua linea piatta per registrare il suo 11 ° consecutivo record di chiusura. Al di fuori di un tuffo di apertura, la sessione di oggi è stata piuttosto gamma-bound in quanto il mercato ha tagliato la sua perdita iniziale a metà e commerciato in maniera lateralmente fino a un costo pomeriggio nel verde. Gli indici azionari hanno fatto mostrare un po 'la vita intorno a mezzogiorno a seguito di un rapporto che Gary Cohn, che è il principale consigliere economico del presidente Trump, ha indicato che la Casa Bianca non supporta la versione della Camera del GOP di una tassa di adeguamento alle frontiere. Questo è stato interpretato come un segnale positivo per i rivenditori dato che importano così tanto della loro merce in vendita negli Stati Uniti di conseguenza, le loro prospettive di guadagno sarebbero probabilità di soffrire. scorte al dettaglio è salito a nuovi massimi a seguito della relazione iniziale, ma ha dato indietro una parte di questi guadagni dopo che la Casa Bianca ha negato la validità rapporti, dicendo il signor Cohns commento è stato preso fuori dal contesto. Ancora, il SPDR ETF SampP 500 Retail (XRT 43.73, 0.63) ha chiuso Venerdì 1,5 maggiore, come notizie guadagni fornito un backstop robusta. Nordstrom (JWN 46.46, 2.52) ha saltato 5.7 dopo il suo meglio di utili attesi oscurato una miss sui ricavi e al di sotto-consenso guida. Foot Locker (FL 75.01, 6.43) e Gap (GPS 24.70, 0.73) anche finito più in alto, l'aggiunta di 9.4 e 3.1, rispettivamente. forza fls derivava dalle sue migliori di utili attesi, mentre il GPS ha superato consiglio dei guadagni al di sotto-consenso con un rapporto tuttavia in linea. Beni di consumo voluttuari (0,4) e beni di consumo (0,4) ha guidato il sentimento rialzista di vendita al dettaglio alla fine Venerdì superiore. Il settore industriale (0,5) ha chiuso con un guadagno simile, traendo forza da nomi di difesa aerospaziale amp dopo che il presidente Trump ha promesso di implementare una delle quotgreatest accumuli militari in historyquot americano il Venerdì mattina. Sul fronte dei ribassi, dati finanziari (-0,8) e dell'energia (-0,9) ha terminato la giornata in fondo alla classifica. Financials ha visto un po 'di pressione in mezzo la continua incertezza attorno la portata e la tempistica di un piano di riforma fiscale, mentre energys downtick è stato influenzato greggi 0,9 scivolo. La componente energia ha chiuso la settimana a 53.97bbl. Degli Stati Uniti Ministero del Tesoro ha chiuso la settimana con una nota positiva, chiudendo Venerdì vicino ai loro massimi di tre mesi. Il benchmark di rendimento a 10 anni finito sei punti base inferiore a 2,31. Le utilità sensibili ai tassi (1.4) il settore chiuso in cima alla classifica in quanto gli investitori giorni gustato lo slittamento dei tassi di interesse. I restanti settori - tecnologia, materiali, assistenza sanitaria, servizi di telecomunicazione, e immobiliare - chiuso con guadagni tra 0,2 e 0,7. i dati economici di oggi inclusi gennaio New Home Sales e la lettura finale della University of Indice di fiducia del Michigan per febbraio: Vendite di nuove abitazioni nel mese di gennaio ha colpito un tasso annualizzato di 555.000, che era al di sopra del tasso di dicembre rivisto di 535.000 (da 536.000), e meno rispetto al 566.000 che ci si aspettava da parte del takeaway chiave Briefing consensus. The dal rapporto è che i prezzi elevati continuano a ostacolare la forte attività di vendita al livello più basso del nuovo mercato di casa. Quel punto è confermato dal fatto che le case costano 299.999 o meno il 44 di nuove case vendute nel gennaio 2017 contro 53 nel gennaio 2016.The lettura finale dell'indice dell'Università di fiducia del Michigan per febbraio è salito a 96,3 (95,8 Briefing consenso ) da 95,7 nel preliminare asporto chiave reading. The dal rapporto è che la fiducia generale dei consumatori è alta, ma ci sono spaccature chiaro, lungo le linee di partito rispetto alle prospettive economiche. Questa comprensione, è stato osservato, crea un'aspettativa che ci sarà una maggiore volatilità e le differenze di spesa discrezionali in tutta sottogruppi. Lunedi ', gli investitori riceveranno gennaio ordini durevoli (Briefing consensus 1,8) e gennaio Pending Home Sales (Briefing consensus 0,9). Le due relazioni si incroceranno i fili alle 8:30 am ET e 10:00 ET, rispettivamente. Nasdaq Composite 8.6 YTDSampP 500 5.7 YTDDow Jones Industrial Average 5.4 YTD Russell 2000 2.8 YTD Week in Review: Venerdì Uptick consente di proteggere quinta volta consecutiva settimanale Gain Il mercato azionario sembra essere in pericolo di registrare la sua prima settimana verso il basso in un mese, ma un recupero su venerdì pomeriggio ha aiutato il SampP 500 aggiungere 0,7 per la settimana, estendendo il suo primo guadagno trimestre a 5,7. Gli indici azionari andato in automobile più alto per iniziare la settimana, ma il sentimento degli investitori inacidito un po 'il Giovedi, dopo Axios ha riferito che i legislatori repubblicani rischiano di ritardare una decisione sulla spesa per le infrastrutture fino al 2018, dando CONGRESSO tempo di concentrarsi su fiscalità e la riforma sanitaria nel 2017. lA NOTIZIA pesato su edilizia e l'ingegneria NOMI di Caterpillar (CAT) che rientrano 3.3 durante le ultime due sedute della settimana. Tuttavia, il mercato azionario globale ha preso la notizia con tranquillità, che era impressionante, considerando le politiche a favore della crescita sono stati citati per la carica post-elettorale che ha sollevato il SampP 500 a un record fresco. Il mercato ha visto un po 'di vendita il Venerdì mattina, ma gli acquirenti tuffo ha aiutato l'indice di riferimento girare positiva entro la chiusura. La scorsa settimana era molto tranquillo sul fronte economico, ma gli investitori ha ricevuto le più recenti politiche minuti dal Federal Open Market Committee. I verbali hanno riconosciuto che un rialzo dei tassi sarà in ordine abbastanza presto, se i dati in ingresso sui posti di lavoro e l'inflazione rimane in linea con le aspettative. Vale la pena notare che alcuni membri del FOMC hanno espresso la preoccupazione che una bassa volatilità dei mercati azionari non è coerente con una notevole incertezza collegata alle prospettive di modifiche al paesaggio fiscale. L'indice di volatilità CBOE (: VIX) ha tenuto la sua terra nella zona di 11.50, terminando la settimana ben al di sotto i suoi 200 giorni di media mobile (13.80). le aspettative di tasso di aumento visto movimento limitato durante la scorsa settimana. La probabilità implicita di un aumento di maggio è salita a 50,4 da 44,1 ultime settimane, mentre la probabilità implicita di un rialzo dei tassi a giugno scivolato a 66,5 da 69,9 dello scorso venerdì. 16:21 FirstEnergy PREVEDE DUE UNITA 'nel suo impianto di Bruce Mansfield per riavviare all'inizio della prossima settimana DOPO UN BREVE PERIODO FUORI SERVIZIO CHE EBBE INIZIO metà febbraio (FE). attività di nuovo inizio unità 1 e 3, ciascuno con una capacità di 830 megawatt, inizieranno questo fine settimana. Mentre le unità erano in linea, Bruce Mansfields 350 dipendenti hanno completato il lavoro di routine di manutenzione quotidiana che supporta il funzionamento sicuro e affidabile in corso. Unità 2, anche con una capacità di 830 megawatt, rimarrà fuori servizio la manutenzione su apparecchiature impianto è stato completato. 16:15 Transdigm GRUPPO PREZZI OFFERTA DI 300 MLN di ulteriori 6.500 titoli subordinati con scadenza 2025 sarà emesse a un prezzo DI 101.500 del loro valore nominale (TDG). 4:07 pm eventi di interesse per la prossima settimana. Eventi e convegni di interesse per la prossima settimana 27 febbraio - 3 marzo sono elencati di seguito. Per un elenco completo di settimane prossimi eventi, si prega di vedere il. Lunedi JPMorgan Global High Yield e Leveraged Finance Conference (1 febbraio 27 marzo) in programma a comparire: PBH, SBGI, S, PTC, CXO, Ryi, DCP, CC, TTMI, COT, VEDERE, SIRI, SCI, TEN, OLN, MSCI, MNI, MD, MDCA, GLT, HLS, SSNC, AXE Conferenza informazioni Morgan Stanley Tecnologia, media e Conferenza Telecom (2 febbraio 27-marzo) cos notevoli di presentare: NTAP, SAP, TV, CBS. A, TRIP, HIVE , GRPN, CBB, PYPL, SPLK, TMU, CBS, MSFT, MB, LAMR, RPD, DST, GDDY, P, CALD, GOOG, GOOGL, CMCSA, CTXS, TEAM, IMAX, JIVE, VZ, Nati, CSCO, HPE , FB, SNI, FTNT, LRCX, CY, ZEN, ADBE, AMAT, CNK, INFN, EA, ANET, MRVL, NEWR, PFPT, RNG, GLW, CCI, Eigi, MXIM, CSOD, NLSN, SYMC, ORA, HPQ , ZNGA, WDAY, LVLT, CTL, VIA, VIAB, NVDA, IBM, NTCT, STX, TNET, SWKS, VENDITA, FWONA, VRNS, VMW, OUT, MDSO, XLNX, DBD, ACIA, WK, CHTR, INST, TRVG , QLYS, YELP, MSCC, CA, NWS, SNPS, CTSH, SSNC, PI, EGHT, PI, IMPV, EFII, BV, LYV, VSAT, TYL, DATI, ATEN, PEGA, APTI, DLB, ARRS, MSTR, PTC , IPHI, TLND, SABR, MU, BOX, ELLI, V, ATHN, CDNS, PANW Keefe, Bruyette e schede Woods, pagamenti amp Financial Technology SymposiumScheduled ad apparire: DFS, AXP, ADS, MA, GPN, V, WEX (Conferenza Agenda) Martedì Credit Suisse 2017 Global Conference Sanità (Feb 28- 1 marzo) in programma a comparire: Aciu, ALIOY, AAAP, ALDR, ALKS, LBTSF, AZN, BSLN, BAYRY, CS, FSNUY, GLPG, GMXAY, GSK, IPHYF, IPSEY, LZAGY, MRK, NVS, NVO, ORINY, QGEN, REGN, ROVI, SNY, SNN, SONVY, STDAF, WILYY, CHMP Evercore ISI Annual ConferenceNotable industriale cos di presentare: CAT, CMI, KMT, ITW, URI Presidente Trump a dare indirizzo alla sessione congiunta del Congresso alle 21:00 ET Mercoledì BTIG tecnologia medica, diagnostica, e Healthcare Conference (01-02 marzo) in programma a comparire: VREX, MMSI, VRAY, HQY, VNRX, CFMS, INGN, NVDQ, VAR Gabelli and Company 27 pompa annuale, cos Valve, e acqua Sistemi SymposiumNotable appaia: AC, AME, WAAS, indice di massa corporea, CIR, CR, FLS, GRC, GGG, IEX, RXN, XYL, HI, LAYN, WTS, MWA, ITT, NPO Simmons and Co Energy Conference (01-03 mARZO) in programma a comparire: RRC, CRR, TTI, CXO, TSO, PXD, SWN Giovedi Bank of America Merrill Lynch Global Agriculture amp chimiche ConferenceScheduled ad apparire: OLN, MOS, DD, POT , AGU, CF, RPM JPMorgan Gaming, alloggi, ristorante amp Leisure Management Forum di accesso (2-3 marzo) cos notevoli per presentare: YUM, DNKN, SOGGIORNO, WYN, FOGO Tra Investor Days: Gru (CR) 2017 Investor Conference a 8 : 30 ET Venerdì 2017 AAAAI Annual Meeting (3-06 marzo) in programma a comparire: DBVT, ANAB 2017 American Academy of Dermatology Annual Meeting (3 ° marzo - 7 °) in programma a comparire: ANAB FED SEDIA Janet Yellen pARLARE alle 13:00 ET 16:06 LPL FINANZIARIA di rifinanziare il suo ESISTENTE CAPITALE struttura in un TRANSAZIONE LEVERAGE-NEUTRO (LPLA). LPL Holdings intende avviare una modifica al contratto di credito che regola i suoi alti linee di credito garantite, ai sensi del quale si aspetta di prendere in prestito un nuovo prestito B termine a causa 2024 per un importo nominale complessivo originario di 1.700 milioni, aumentare le dimensioni del proprio credito revolving impianto a 500 milioni, e fare alcune altre modifiche. LPL Holdings intende inoltre raccogliere 500 milioni di proventi lordi attraverso un'offerta di titoli senior a causa 2025. LPL Holdings intende utilizzare i proventi netti dall'offerta delle note e il nuovo prestito a termine B a rimborsare LPL Holdings alti linee di credito garantite esistenti e corrispondere dietimi di interesse E DELLA RELATIVA commissioni e spese. 16:02 MERCK ANNUNCIA sua fase 3 RISULTATI STUDIO PER V212 PER LA PREVENZIONE di herpes zoster IN PAZIENTI IMMUNOCOMPROMESSI ha raggiunto il suo endpoint primario (MRK): Nello studio, V212 ha raggiunto il suo endpoint primario e ha ridotto l'incidenza dei casi di HZ confermati da una cifra stimata di 64 per cento (95 CI, 0.48, 0.75) nei riceventi di auto-trapianto. risultati endpoint secondario dello studio hanno mostrato che V212 ha ridotto l'incidenza di dolore HZ moderata-grave con una stima di 69,5, utilizzando la Zoster Brief Pain Inventory (: ZBPI) punteggio. V212 ha dimostrato una stima di riduzione 83,7 per cento l'incidenza di nevralgia post-erpetica (: PHN) oltre i 90 giorni dopo l'inizio della HZ. Nello studio PHN è stato definito come dolore nella zona del rash HZ con un dolore quotworst nell'ultimo punteggio 24 hoursquot di 3 o superiore (su una scala da 0 a 10.) sul ZBPI che persiste o compare 90 giorni o oltre dopo HZ insorgenza eruzioni cutanee dopo l'auto-trapianto. Inoltre, V212 ha mostrato una riduzione di altre complicazioni HZ stimati in 73,5 per cento. Queste altre complicazioni compresi ricovero ospedaliero o il prolungamento dell'ospedalizzazione a causa di HZ disseminata HZ (incluso rash disseminata Hz o VZV viremia) HZ viscerale, oftalmici HZ danno neurologico PER HZ o somministrazione di ENDOVENOSA ACICLOVIR TERAPIA PER IL TRATTAMENTO DI HZ POST AUTO-trapianto. 16:01 vertice finanziario aumenti dei dividendi trimestrali 0.11SHARE DA 0.10SHARE (SMMF). 1:10 pm prezzi Pfizer 1.065 mld Valore Nominale Complessivo di 4.20 in scadenza nel 2047 a investitori istituzionali professionali a Taiwan (PFE). Co intende utilizzare i proventi netti di offerta per scopi aziendali generali, tra cui per rimborsare parte del suo eccezionale carta commerciale. 13:05 Sintesi Mezzogiorno mercato: Medie Tenere modeste perdite a mezzogiorno (: WRAPX): Dopo un avvio lento, gli investitori sono diventati un po 'più ottimista nel pomeriggio come il mercato azionario si avvicina alla linea piatta a seguito di un rapporto relativo fiscale confine dal White Casa. I tre medie principali sono tutti giù vicino 0,2 a mezzogiorno. scorte al dettaglio hanno visto un bel pop in azione recente a seguito di una notizia che Gary Cohn, che è il principale consigliere economico del presidente Trump, ha indicato in un forum dei CEO di oggi che la Casa Bianca non supporta la versione della Camera del GOP di un adeguamento alle frontiere imposta. Questa notizia è stata acquistata da Axios da un partecipante alla conferenza. Questo è stato interpretato come un segnale positivo per i dettaglianti che temono una tassa di confine a causa di un aumento del costo del lavoro implicazioni che esso esercita. Mr. Trump ha detto che egli sostiene formquot quota della tassa di confine ieri, ma oggi rapporto della Casa Bianca indica che questo quotformquot non è necessariamente quello che il GOP sta cercando di far passare al Congresso. Rather, it is likely that President Trumps preference would be for a watered down version as hes expressed his concern that the border tax is quottoo complicated. quot The retailer group has also been in todays earnings headlines as household names like Nordstrom (JWN 46.71, 2.78), Foot Locker (FL 75.14, 6.56), and Gap (GPS 25.10, 1.13) reported their quarterly results between yesterdays close and todays open. Nordstrom has jumped 6.2 after its better than expected earnings have overshadowed its miss on revenues and below-consensus guidance. Foot Locker and Gap also trade higher, up 9.6 and 4.5, respectively. FLs strength stems from its better than expected earnings while GPS has overcome below-consensus earnings guidance with an otherwise in-line report. After all the headlines, the SPDR SampP 500 Retail ETF (XRT 43.95, 0.85) is up 2.0 while the consumer discretionary sector holds a 0.3 gain. Fellow cyclical spaces havent fared as well as the consumer discretionary group. Financials (-1.0), the space that has led the stock markets post-election rally, paces todays mild pullback while energy (-0.8) performs only modestly better. Crude oils 0.6 loss has weighed heavily on the energy group. The energy component trades at 54.08bbl as investors cautiously await todays Baker Hughes rig count data, which will be released shortly at 1:00 pm ET. U. S. Treasuries have slipped from their session highs in recent action, but still hold gains amid the stock markets slight downtick. The benchmark 10-yr yield trades four basis points lower at 2.33. The rate-sensitive utilities (1.1) sector holds the top spot on todays leaderboard as investors relish todays slip in interest rates. Telecom services (0.3) also trade comfortably in the green at midday. Todays economic data included January New Home Sales and the final reading of the University of Michigan Sentiment Index for February: New Home Sales in January hit an annualized rate of 555,000, which was above the revised December rate of 535,000 (from 536,000), and less than the 566,000 that was expected by the Briefing consensus. The key takeaway from the report is that high prices continue to impede stronger sales activity at the lower end of the new home market. That point is borne out in the fact that homes priced 299,999 or less accounted for 44 of new homes sold in January 2017 versus 53 in January 2016.The final reading of the University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment Index for February rose to 96.3 (Briefing consensus 95.8) from 95.7 in the preliminary reading. The key takeaway from the report is that overall consumer confidence is high, yet there are clear splits along party lines with respect to the economic outlook. That understanding, it was noted, creates an expectation that there will be greater volatility and discretionary spending differences across subgroups. 12:39 pm Earnings Calendar for the week of February 27 (:SUMRX). Monday (February 27)Pre-Market: AES, CORE, AMT, AFSI, NGHC, TGNA, JKS, HYH, MDCA, HZNP, FCE. A, AWI, SNH, BID, KOS, AMWD, IBP, AIMC, GOGO, SSTK, NWN, etc. After-Hours: THC, ZTO, OKS, FTR, OKE, CST, PCLN, WNR, EOG, HTZ, KND, PRGO, ESND, DK, ALB, MHLD, WNRL, ESV, KRA, WDAY, SBAC, SYKE, JBT, BWXT, ITGR, WUBA, ICFI, APLE, NNI, KTOS, FRGI, etc. Tuesday (February 28)Pre-Market: TGT, BNS, BMO, SRE, NRG, AZO, VRX, TOUR, CNP, TA, ENDP, PAH, DPZ, SDRL, LNG, PRIM, BNED, BLD, FCN, SHOO, IPCC, NXST, USCR, RHP, STAY, INCR, SEAS, NYLD, XHR, LBY, etc. After-Hours: ROST, CBI, UHS, CRM, BLDR, EVHC, DPLO, DAR, TNET, AMC, AR, HY, BW, ITRI, ILG, KAMN, PANW, JAZZ, AMED, HEI, AEGN, BVN, BUFF, AIRM, CHDN, WTW, BGFV, CLNS, PRAA, LQ, etc. Wednesday (March 1)Pre-Market: LOW, BBY, DLTR, WIN, AEO, BMCH, DY, TRCO, DCI, HPT, HRI, STKL, VSI, AKRX, BITA, GTN, IPXL, CROX, TTI, DIN, GTE, INXN, PEGI, LXP, EGRX, PCRX, EVEP, MACK, etc. After-Hours: AVGO, ANW, GEF, MNST, PK, VGR, EPE, CODI, VEC, FOE, PSTG, CCRN, NNBR, CWST, PLNT, WTI, BOX, FOXF, ICUI, FOR, OME, SHAK, PMTS, NVGS, etc. Thursday (March 2)Pre-Market: JD, KR, BUD, TD, BURL, BKS, ANF, GTS, JOY, SSI, ACIW, ATHM, ZEUS, TAST, MEI, SUP, AMRC, SRI, NDLS, SQBG, etc. After-Hours: COST, MRVL, ADSK, AOBC, NTNX, GWRE, NEFF, HABT, EVC, BBG, AMRS, WING, STAA, ETC. FRIDAY (MARCH 3)PRE-MARKET: BIG, BIOS, DXYN 12:31 PM ENTEGRA FINANCIAL EXTENDS REPURCHASE PROGRAM FOR UP TO 5 OF THE COS OUTSTANDING SHARES THROUGH FEB 23, 2018 ( ENFC ). 12:29 pm Floor Talk: Retailers Pop on Border Tax Blurb (:TALKX) : Retail stocks have seen a nice pop in recent action following a news report that Gary Cohn, who is the chief economic advisor to President Trump, indicated at a forum of CEOs today that the White House does not support the House GOP version of a border adjustment tax. That news was sourced by Axios to an attendee at the conference. Recall that the retail stocks got hit in late action on Thursday after President Trump said in a Reuters interview that he supports quotsome form of a border adjustment tax. quot That was viewed as a negative since he had previously said the border tax plan was too complicated, creating a sense that he would not be in favor of one. So, it didnt sit well with retail investors that the president acknowledged supporting some form of a border adjustment tax, as they felt he might now be aligned with the more restrictive border tax proposal being pushed by the House GOP. The retail industry is opposed to a border adjustment tax because retailers import so much of their merchandise for sale in the U. S hence, their earnings prospects would suffer presumably since they would get hit disproportionately by a border adjustment tax. Accordingly, with Mr. Cohn reportedly offering a softer stance today, there is some relief that a border tax supported by the White House wont be as restrictive as feared yesterday. Any border tax would be a negative in its own right, yet the retail stocks have been bid up since the Cohn headline hit on the perception that any future border tax might not be as bad as feared. It would still be negative, but just not as negative as feared and that understanding qualifies as a positive (for now). The SPDR SampP Retail ETF (XRT 43.90, 0.80, 1.9) was down 0.5 at its low today. 12:14 pm Currency Commentary: Rangebound COntinues (:SUMRX). The Dollar Index is testing the 101 level for resistance. The greenback was trending lower but saw some buyers jump in right ahead of the open. But that rally has fizzled out at 101. We will be getting a steady flow of data next week which will help set up the March meeting expectations. The biggest headwind at the moment appears to be the dollar and the low yields in Europe as the Fed is worried about the divergence. Of note, the jobs report is not out until March 10. This is due to how the timing of the three week period at the BLS plays out. The euro was trading above the 1.06 level but would tumble below that level before finding support at the 1.0560 area. The weakness came as we saw headlines regarding difficult Brexit negotiations. This is hardly a new story, but as we approach the Article 50 trigger (expected at the end of March), it should pick up some steam and act as a headwind. The pound would slip from the mid-1.25 area to just below 1.25. Sterling was able to find footing and is attempting to regain some of its losses with limited success. The yen is now starting to find support at 113 after breaking through the resistance level yesterday. Yen is coming in to test its multi-month low (11.59) and the 100-sma (111.72). The later would be the first test since late October. The yuan remains steady. Earlier in the week Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said that he would await the April FX report before making any statements on China currency manipulation. The President was a little more forward with commentary as he reiterated concerns over China manipulating its currency (BONDX, FOREX). 12:02 pm European Markets Closing Prices (:SUMRX). European markets are now closed stock markets across Europe performed as follows: UKs FTSE: -0.4 Germanys DAX: -1.2 Frances CAC: -0.9 Spains IBEX: -0.4 Portugals PSI: -0.3 Italys MIB Index: -1.2 Irish Ovrl Index: -0.9 Greece ASE General Index: -0.6 11:33 am Chevron completes the acquisition of SKIL Power Tool Brands from Robert Bosch Tool terms not disclosed ( CVX ). The acquisition gives Chervon complete control over the SKIL and SKILSAW businesses in the North American market. 11:31 am Trillium Therapeutics presented new pharmacology data from its ongoing Phase 1 ab trial of TTI-621 at the ASCO-SITC Clinical Immuno-Oncology Symposium ( TRIL ) : The company presented the following new information from the trial: Receptor occupancy increases with multiple infusions of TTI-621, conferring robust CD47 blockade on circulating leukemic cells: Compared to the initial infusion, the extent and duration of CD47 occupancy on peripheral leukocytes was elevated following the sixth dose. Importantly, emerging data suggests increased receptor occupancy on circulating leukemic blast cells. Increases in cytokines associated with macrophage activation suggest rapid engagement of the innate immune system: Post-infusion elevations were observed in MIP-1a, MIP-1b and other cytokines associated with macrophage activation, supporting the proposed role of TTI-621 as an innate immune checkpoint inhibitor. Increases in cytokines associated with macrophage activation suggest rapid engagement of the innate immune system: Post-infusion elevations were observed in MIP-1a, MIP-1b and other cytokines associated with MACROPHAGE ACTIVATION, SUPPORTING THE PROPOSED ROLE OF TTI-621 AS AN INNATE IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITOR. 11:30 AM IDERA PHARMA REPORTS ADDITIONAL DATA FROM THE DOSE-ESCALATION PHASE OF ITS ONGOING PHASE 12 CLINICAL TRIAL OF INTRATUMORAL IMO-2125 AT THE 2017 ASCO-SITC CLINICAL IMMUNO-ONCOLOGY SYMPOSIUM ( IDRA ) : quotWe are very pleased to have achieved successful completion of all our objectives in the Phase 1 portion of this trial which established safety across all doses tested, and demonstrated preliminary evidence of clinical activity, including durable responses of over one year in two of the evaluable patients so far, quot stated Mark Cornfeld, M. D. Ideras Medical Lead, Oncology. quotAdditionally from a scientific standpoint, weve established proof of mechanism through our translational effort which has gone well beyond the norm compared to what is typically done in oncology drug development. quot Results Demonstrate IMO-2125 plus ipilimumab combination is tolerable at all dose levels studied and has demonstrated durable clinical activity in PD-1 Refractory Melanoma. The company is also announcing the acceptance of two abstracts at the upcoming AmERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR CANCER RESEARCH (:AACR) 2017 ANNUAL MEETING BEING HELD APRIL 1-5, IN WASHINGTON DC. IDERA HAS GAINED ACCEPTANCE OF TWO PRESENTATIONS RELATED TO IMO-2125. 11:19 AM AVERY DENNISON PRICES EUR 500 MLN 1.250 SENIOR NOTES DUE 2025 IN AN UNDERWRITTEN PUBLIC OFFERING AT 99.917 OF THEIR PRINCIPAL AMOUNT ( AVY ). The co intends to use EUR 200 mln of the net proceeds from the offering to repay commercial paper borrowings that it used to finance a portion of its acquisition of the European biz of Mactac in Aug 2016, and the remainDER FOR GENERAL CORPORATE PURPOSES, WHICH MAY INCLUDE THE REPAYMENT OF OTHER INDEBTEDNESS, INCLUDING ITS 6.625 GUARANTEED NOTES DUE 2017, ACQUISITIONS, INCLUDING THE ACQUISITIONS OF HANITA COATINGS AND YONGLE TAPE CO, CAPEX, WORKING CAPITAL, AND OTHER CORPORATE PURPOSES. 10:55 AM NOTABLE MOVERS OF INTEREST: OLED 19.4 ON Q4 EPS AND REVENUE BEATS ( SCANX ) : Notable movers of interest The following are some of todays most notable movers of interest, categorized by market capitalization (large cap over 10 billion and mid cap between 2-10 billion) and ranked by change (all stocks over 100K average daily volume). Large Cap Gainers INTU (126.56 4.86): Reports Q2 EPS beat guides Q3 EPS and revenues above consensus. YUMC (27.03 0.97): Initiated with a Buy at Deutsche Bank 31.48 tgt. Large Cap Losers HPE (22.68 -8.05): Reports Q1 EPS and revenue misses, guides Q2 EPS below consensus lowers FY17 EPS, in-line. MGA (42.78 -5.25): Shares fall after reporting Q4 EPS miss. BIDU (177.48 -3.88): Reports Q4 revenue miss guides Q1 revenues below consensus. Mid Cap Gainers OLED (80.5 19.35): Reports Q4 EPS and revenue beats initiates 0.03 quarterly dividend. RLGY (29.52 7.7): Shares rise on Q4 EPS and revenue beats. MTZ (39.6 6.88): Reports Q4 EPS and revenue beats guides Q1 FY17 EPS above consensus. Mid Cap Losers ACIA (55.3 -12.82): GUIDES Q1 EPS AND REVENUES BELOW CONSENSUS. JCP (6.26 -8.75): SHARES FALL DESPITE Q4 EPS BEAT GUIDES FY18 EPS IN-LINE WITH FLAT COMPS PLANS TO CLOSE 13-14 OF STORE. KBR (14.91 -7.68): REPORTS Q4 EPS MISS. 10:46 AM REGENCY CENTERS SHAREHOLDERS APPROVE MERGER WITH EQUITY ONE ( EQY ) transaction expected to close on March 1 ( REG ). 9:45 am Opening Market Summary: Equity Indices Hold Losses in Early Action (:WRAPX) : The SampP 500 trades 0.4 lower shortly after Fridays opening bell. Financials (-1.0) show relative weakness while some countercyclical groups provide positive support. The ligHTLY-WEIGHTED UTILITIES (0.4) AND TELECOM SERVICES (0.6) SECTORS TRADE IN THE GREEN AND ARE CURRENTLY AT THE TOP OF THE WEEKS LEADERBOARD WITH WEEK-TO-DATE GAINS OF 3.0 AND 2.3, RESPECTIVELY. U. S. TREASURIES HOVER NEAR THEIR OVERNIGHT HIGHS AMID TODAYS MILD PULLBACK. THE BENCHMARK 10-YR YIELD IS CURRENTLY DOWN THREE BASIS POINTS AT 2.34. 9:30 AM ONEX CORP REPORTED FY16 RESULTS ( ONEXF ). Co reported FY16 revenues increased by 14 to 22.5 billion from the prior year. The increase in revenues was primarily driven by the same factors that drove the increase during the fourth quarter of 2016 as well as the full year impact of 2015 acquisitions. Net loss for the year was 36 million compared to a net loss of 505 million in 2015. 9:29 am On The Wires (:WIRES). Vonage (VG) announced that it will collaborate with Google to provide businesses with enhanced features to the standard messaging experience on mobile devices. Through Nexmo, the Vonage API platform, this SMS upgrade enables delivery of improved business messaging to any Android mobile device, via RCS (Rich Communication Services), helping businesses to engage with their customers for deeper relationships and better business outcomes. Cascades Sonoco, a joint venture of Sonoco Products Company (SON) and Cascades Inc. announced the investment of approximately 16 million US for the expansion of its existing Birmingham, Al. facility. This investment in world-class water-based coating technology will provide coated paper and paperboard substrates using its new FlexShield, FluteSHIELD and SurfSHIELD coating technology. These coatings, recently introduced to the folding carton and corrugated industries, are revolutionary water-based functional and barrier coatings designed to replace the standard LDPE coating used in take-out container folding carton applications, as well as wax replacement technology for the corrugated industry. They offer solutions that are recyclable, repulpable and compostable. CenturyLink, Inc. (CTL) is expanding its Alliance programs to serve their enterprise customers with advanced communications and IT solutions. Each program is tailored to meet the specific support and enablement needs of its members. Kulicke amp Soffa Industries (KLIC) announced its contribution of an automatic single-head semiconductor wedge bonder to the Engineering Product Development Pillar of the Singapore University of Technology and Design. Wedge Bonder equipment is used in interconnect technologies in a wide range of power semiconductor packages and modules such as the automotive, industrial, renewable energy, consumer and computing markets. Altius Minerals announced THAT IT HAS ENTERED INTO A LETTER AGREEMENT PURSUANT TO WHICH FAIRFAX FINANCIAL (FRFHF) WILL MAKE AN UP TO CAD100 MILLION INVESTMENT IN ALTIUS IN EXCHANGE FOR THE ISSUANCE BY ALTIUS OF PREFERRED SECURITIES AND WARRANTS. 9:15 AM HI-CRUSH PARTNERS PRICES PRIMARY PUBLIC OFFERING OF 20.5 MLN UNITS REPRESENTING LIMITED PARTNERSHIP INTERESTS FOR TOTAL GROSS PROCEEDS OF APPROXIMATELY 369 MLN ( HCLP ). 9:15 am SampP futures vs fair value: -11.50. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -31.60. (:WRAPX) : The SampP 500 futures trade 12 points (0.5) below fair value this morning, pointing to a lower Friday open on Wall Street ahead of the New Home Sales (Briefing consensus 566,000) and University of Michigan Consumer Sentiment (Briefing consensus 95.8) reports at 10:00 a. m. ET. The market will be opening on a weak note because it is due for a pullback after an incredible run that has been driven by its own share of convenient excuses for keeping the post-election rally going. In earnings news, Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE 22.44, -2.22) has captured investors attention this morning after diving 9.0 in pre-market trade following the companys latest earnings report. HPEs miss on revenues and below-consensus earnings guidance has overshadowed its better than expected earnings per share results. Elsewhere on the earnings front, the SPDR SampP 500 Retail ETF (XRT 42.87, -0.23) trades lower in pre-market action after the latest earnings reports from JC Penney (JCP 6.68, -0.18) and Gap (GPS 23.33, -0.64). JCP holds a loss of 2.3 after the company revealed its plan to close two distribution facilities and 130-140 of its stores over the next few months. Gaps weakness stems from its downbeat earnings guidance. Crude oil has followed yesterdaYS BIG ADVANCE WITH A SOLID LOSS THIS MORNING. THE ENERGY COMPONENT IS DOWN 1.0 AT 53.91BBL AHEAD OF TODAYS BAKER HUGHES RIG COUNT DATA, WHICH WILL BE RELEASED AT 1:00 PM ET. U. S. TREASURIES HAVE POSTED A FRESH HIGH IN RECENT ACTION TO EXTEND THEIR EARLY GAINS. THE BENCHMARK 10-YR YIELD TRADES LOWER BY THREE BASIS POINTS AT 2.34. 9:03 AM VUZIX SIGNS AGREEMENT TO BUILD A CUSTOMIZED PAIR OF SMART GLASSES FOR TOSHIBA ( TOSBF ) ( VUZI ). Under the terms of this agreement, Vuzix and Toshiba have embarked on a rapid development program with milestone payments totaling over one million US dollars. With development efforts well under way, Toshiba, subject to a finAL MANUFACTURING AGREEMENT, EXPECTS TO PLACE ADDITIONAL PURCHASE ORDERS FROM VUZIX FOR PRODUCTION DELIVERIES IN THE 4TH QUARTER OF 2017. FURTHER DETAILS ON THE NEW SMART GLASSES PRODUCT WILL BE RELEASED SOON AFTER PUBLIC MARKETING OF THE PRODUCT COMMENCES. 9:03 AM VAIL RESORTS ANNOUNCES THE RENEWAL OF WHISTLER BLACKCOMBS MASTER DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS WITH THE PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA AND APPROVAL OF THE ASSOCIATED MASTER PLANS FINANCIAL DETAILS NOT DISCLOSED ( MTN ) : quotThis is a significant milestone for Whistler Blackcomb and our local communities as it provides us with the long-term certainty for the capital investment required to maintain our position as a premier mountain resort destination in the world, quot says Dave Brownlie, chief operating officer at Whistler Blackcomb. quotWe are grateful for the support the Province has provided during this process and for our strengthened relationships with the Squamish Nation and Lilwat Nation through which all our communities will benefit. quot In connection with the execution of the Master Development Agreements and Master Plans, Whistler Blackcomb has entered into AGREEMENTS WITH THE SQUAMISH AND LILWAT NATIONS ON WHOSE TRADITIONAL TERRITORIES IT OPERATES. THESE AGREEMENTS RUN CONCURRENTLY WITH THE MASTER DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENTS AND ENSURE THAT LOCAL FIRST NATIONS PARTICIPATE IN THE SUCCESS OF THE RESORT AS PARTNERS THROUGH ECONOMIC AND CULTURAL COMMITMENTS, JOBS, CONTRACTING AND DEVELOPMENT OPPORTUNITIES AND RECREATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR THE YOUTHS OF THOSE NATIONS. 9:02 AM COFFEE HOLDING ACQUIRES COMFORT FOODS FOR 2.3 MLN ( JVA ). Comfort Foods is a medium sized regional roaster that manufactures both branded and private label coffee for reTAIL AND FOODSERVICE CUSTOMERS LOCATED PREDOMINANTLY IN THE NORTHEAST MARKETPLACE. IN CONNECTION WITH THE ACQUISITION, THE COMPANY PAID 2.3 MILLION FOR 100 OF THE CAPITAL STOCK OF COMFORT FOODS WHICH HAD APPROXIMATELY 7.3 MILLION IN TRAILING TWELVE MONTH REVENUES. 9:02 AM NORTHRIM BANK INCREASES QUARTERLY DIVIDEND TO 0.21SHARE FROM 0.20SHARE ( NRIM ). 9:02 AM LIFEPOINT HOSPITALS APPOINTS HARRY R. PHILLIPS, III, MD, AS CHIEF MEDICAL OFFICER ( LPNT ). Phillips is also professor of medicine at Duke University School of Medicine, associate director of the Duke Heart Center, and chief medical officer, Duke Network Services, for Duke University Health System. 8:51 am Function(x) prices underwritten public offering of about 4.57 mln shares of common stock at 1.05share for gross proceeds of about 4.8 mln ( FNCX ). 8:50 am SampP futures vs fair value: -10.00. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -32.60. (:WRAPX) : The SampP 500 futures trade ten points (0.4) below fair value. Equity indices in the Asia-Pacific region ended the week on a mixed note, but trading ranges were fairly narrow. Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe acknowledged that the global economy is on firmer footing, but noted his preference for a lower Aussie exchange rate. The Australian dollar is down 0.4 against the greenback at 0.7687. In economic data: South Koreas February Consumer Confidence ticked up to 94 from 93. Singapores January Industrial Production -6.0 month-over-month (expected -2.6 last 6.7) 2.2 year-over-year (consensus 8.4 previous 22.1) ---Equity Markets--- Japans Nikkei lost 0.5, but gained 0.3 for the week. Growth-sensitive names struggled in response to speculation that an infrastructure spending bill in the US will be delayed. Komatsu, Sumitomo Heavy Industries, Mitsubishi Materials, Kobe Steel, Furukawa, Hitachi Construction, and Pacific Metals lost between 2.9 and 5.4. On the upside, Toshiba spiked 4.5 to continue its recent volatile stretch. Hong Kongs Hang Seng lost 0.6 to end the week lower by 0.3. Apple supplier AAC Technologies was the weakest performer, falling 4.7. Financials like BoC Hong Kong, Ping An Insurance, Bank of China, and HSBC lost between 0.8 and 1.5. Chinas Shanghai Composite ticked up 0.1, extending its weekly gain to 1.6. China Southern Airlines, China World Trade Center, Besttone Holdings, and China Eastern Airlines climbed between 3.5 and 5.7. Indias Sensex was closed for Mahashivratri. Major European indices trade lower across the board with Germanys DAX (-1.7) showing relative weakness. Todays underperformance in the DAX comes after the index spent the past two days just below its record high from early 2015. Also of note, polling data from Infratest shows that Chancellor Angela Merkels CDUCSU coalition has seen its support drop to 31.0, falling behind SDU, which polled at 32.0. In economic data: Frances February Consumer Confidence held at 100, as expected. UKs BBA Mortgage Approvals 44,700 (expected 41,900 last 43,600) Italys December Industrial New Orders 2.8 month-over-month (last 1.7) -0.9 year-over-year (last 0.1). Industrial New Sales 2.6 month-over-month (last 2.4) 9.4 year-over-year (last 3.9). February Business Confidence 106.3 (expected 104.6 last 105.0) and Consumer Confidence 106.6 (consensus 109.0 last 108.6) ---Equity Markets--- UKs FTSE is lower by 0.9 with miners and financials showing relative weakness. Rio Tinto, Glencore, BHP Billiton, Antofagasta, Anglo American, and Fresnillo are down between 1.4 and 4.1. Financials like RBS, Standard Chartered, fx, RSA Insurance, and Lloyds Banking show losses between 1.5 and 5.1. Frances CAC has given up 1.5 amid broad weakness. ArcelorMittal is one of the weAKEST COMPONENTS, FALLING 3.9, WHILE OTHER GROWTH-SENSITIVE NAMES LIKE SAINT GOBAIN, LAFARGEHOLCIM, SOLVAY, AND TECHNIP ARE DOWN BETWEEN 2.9 AND 3.3. AUTOMAKERS PEUGEOT AND RENAULT SHOW RESPECTIVE LOSSES OF 3.5 AND 2.5. GERMANYS DAX TRADES DOWN 1.7. BASF HAS SURRENDERED 3.5 WHILE COMMERZBANK AND DEUTSCHE BANK ARE DOWN 4.1 AND 3.2, RESPECTIVELY. BMW, CONTINENTAL, DAIMLER, AND VOLKSWAGEN ARE DOWN BETWEEN 1.2 AND 2.3. 8:47 AM VALE S. A. ANNOUNCED THAT MURILO FERREIRA WILL NOT RENEW HIS TERM AS VALES CEO ( VALE ). 8:44 am Wabash Natl announces that its board of directors has authorized the Co to repurchase up to an additional 100 mln of its common stock over the next two years ( WNC ). This authorization is an increase to the existing 100 million repurchase program previously approved in February 2016 and of which approximately 15 million was available as of February 23, 2017. 8:37 am Pinnacle West reports EPS in-line, misses on revs ( PNW ). REPORTS Q4 (DEC) EARNINGS OF 0.47 PER SHARE, IN-LINE WITH THE CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS OF 0.47 REVENUES ROSE 0.7 YEARYEAR TO 739 MLN VS THE 791.38 MLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS. THE 2016 FOURTH-QUARTER RESULTS COMPARISON VERSUS THE SAME 2015 PERIOD WAS POSITIVELY IMPACTED BY LOWER OPERATING EXPENSES, PARTIALLY OFFSET BY LOWER RETAIL ELECTRICITY SALES. WHILE OCTOBER 2016 PROVED TO BE HOTTER THAN AVERAGE, SALES DECREASED IN THE LAST TWO MONTHS OF THE YEAR, WITH DECEMBER TURNING OUT TO BE THE THIRD MILDEST DECEMBER SINCE 1970 - A SPAN OF 46 YEARS. 8:36 AM GAPPING DOWN ( SCANX ) : Gapping down In reaction to disappointing earningsguidance: ACIA -16.6, KBR -10.2, ZOES -10, ALDR -8.7, HPE -8.2, BGS -6.2, CECO -5.7, ACHN -5.7, ACHC -5.2, ASPN -5.1, BNFT -4.8GIFI -4.6, DGI -4.6, BRFS -4.4, SPLK -4.2, PLUG -4.2, RBS -4, IMAX -3.7, NCMI -3.5, CENX -3.5, LGND -3.2, GLPG -3, NVRO -2.9HLF -2.9, (to form a JV w Tasly Holding Group ), EYEG -2.5, MGA -2.5, SWN -2.3, PEB -1.7, NSU -1.4, BIDU -1.3, SPXC -1.2, SSP -1.1RDUS -1, TWOU -1, HTGC -1, TERP -1 MampA news: HCLP -9 (acquires Permian Basin Sand, Whitehall facility and remaining interest in augusta facility for a total consideration of 415 million commences a primary public offering of 20,500,000 common units representing limited partnership interests in the Partnership) Select EU financial related names showing weakness in sympathy with RBS and Standard Chartered earnings: DB -3.1, CS -2.5, ING -2.4, BCS -1.9 Select metal producers trading lower: VALE -2.7, BBL -2.4, BHP -2.3, X -2, RIO -1.8. Select ACIA PEERS TRADING LOWER IN SYMPATHY: IIVI -3.7, OCLR -2.9, FNSR -1.1, IPHI -0.9, LITE -0.9, INFN -0.7, NPTN -0.5. Other news: NAO -26.8 (commences public offering of 33,333,333 common share also intends to grant the unDERWRITERS A 30-DAY OPTION TO PURCHASE 5,000,000 ADDITIONAL COMMON SHARES)SMCI -5.5 (RECEIVES NOTICE THAT APPLE ( AAPL ) has cut ties with co as supplier, according to The Information article)WSO -5.1 (United Technologies announces the commencement of an underwritten secondary offering of 4,235,685 shares of common stock of Watsco)NVDA -3.4 (continued weakness)PFGC -3.3 (prices 13.5 mln common stock offering by certain of its stockholders, including affiliates of The Blackstone Group ( BX ), at 23.50share)CELG -1.7 (President and COO Jackie Fouse, PH. D. to retire effective June 30, 2017 co has promoted Scott Smith to President and COO)PAGP -0.9 (upsizes offering by 8 mln shares and prices 42 mln shares of Class A shares for gross proceeds of 1.3 bln) Analyst comments: YY -2 (downgraded to Underweight from Equal-Weight at Morgan Stanley)SFUN -1.7 (downgraded to Equal-Weight from Overweight at Morgan Stanley)RIG -1.5 (downgraded to Sell from Hold at Pareto Securities)GS -1.5 (ddowngraded to Sell from Hold at Berenberg)HTGC -1 (downgraded to Mkt Perform from Outperform at Raymond James) 8:32 am ANI Pharma acquires InderalXL from Cranford Pharmaceuticals, LLC and InnoPran XL from Holmdel Pharmaceuticals terms not disclosed ( ANIP ) : The acquired assets include the NDA and trademark for InnoPran XL including a license to an Orange Book listed patent, and a distribution license and trademark for Inderal XL as well as finished goods inventory of both products. Inderal XL and InnoPran XL are currently available in 80mg and 120mg sustained release capsules and are indicated for hypertension. Inderal XL and InnoPran XL generated combined sales of 23.3 million in calendar year 2016, according to IMS Health. The acquisitions were funded through a combination of cash and debt. In conjunction with todays announcement, ANI has immediately begun selling both Inderal XL 80mg and 120mg sustained release capsules as well as InnoPran XL 80mg and 120mg sustained release capsules under their current labels. 8:30 am SampP futures vs fair value: -10.30. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -31.90. (:WRAPX) : The stock market is poised for a lower open on Friday as the SampP 500 futures trade ten points (0.4) below fair value. Retailers have dominated the earnings front this morning with Nordstrom (JWN 45.41, 1.47), Restoration Hardware (RH 29.15, 3.96), Foot Locker (FL 70.70, 2.12), Gap (GPS 23.90, -0.07), and JC Penney (JCP 6.67, -0.19) all reporting their quarterly results between yesterdays close and todays open. The reactions have been mixed with Nordstrom, Restoration Hardware, and Foot Locker trading higher in pre-market action. JWNs better than expected earnings have overshadowed its miss on revenues and below-consensus guidance. Meanwhile, RH is trading higher in reaction to its upbeat guidance while FLs strength stems from its above-consensus earnings results. On the flip side, JC Penney trades lower as news that the company plans to close two distribution facilities and 130-140 of its stores over the next few months has outweighed better than expected earnings per share results. Gap also shows a loss after issuing downbeat earnings guidance. The SPDR SampP 500 Retail ETF (XRT 42.87, -0.23) will be fighting to avoid its third consecutive loss in todays session. 8:29 am On The Wires (:WIRES). Harmony Gold Mining (HMY) advised that following the announcement of the Budget Speech delivered on 22 February 2017 by the Minister of Finance in South Africa, the withholding tax on dividends was increased from 15 to 20. This change will have an impact on the interim dividend that was declared payable by Harmony on 20 March 2017. The impact of this change is that the net local dividend amount decreased from 42.5 SA cents to 40 SA cents. Other arrangements for the dividend payMENT REMAINS THE SAME. NXT-ID (NXTD) RESPONDS TO A PRESS RELEASE ISSUED ON FEBRUARY 23, 2017, BY A LAW FIRM. YESTERDAY, THE COMPANY WAS ALERTED TO AN ANNOUNCEMENT ABOUT A LAW FIRMS INVESTIGATION INTO CERTAIN CORPORATE ACTIONS TAKEN BY SHAREHOLDERS IN 2015. THE COMPANYS BOARD OF DIRECTORS PLANS TO REVIEW THE ASSERTIONS IN THE LAW FIRMS CORRESPONDENCE AND INVESTIGATE THE SUBSTANCE OF THESE CLAIMS AND TO THEN RESPOND ACCORDINGLY. MERCK (MKGAY) ANNOUNCED THAT THE EUROPEAN COMMITTEE FOR MEDICINAL PRODUCTS FOR HUMAN USE HAS GRANTED A POSITIVE OPINION FOR THE NEW PERGOVERIS PEN. 8:29 AM GAPPING UP ( SCANX ) : Gapping up In reaction to strong earningsguidance: RH 15.5, ( guides Q4 EPS and revenues above consensus authorizes a 300 million common share repurchase program), AAOI 11.5, OLED 10.4MTZ 9.3, TPC 7.3, RMAX 6.7, SB 5.1, INWK 5.1, EGO 4.7, SGY 4.7, VICR 4.2, PSO 3.6, RDC 3.4, PACD 3.1, WMAR 3.1FL 2.7, BJRI 2.5, JWN 2.5, EBS 2.4, DYN 2.4, AL 1.9, MELI 1.8, MAIN 1.5, AGO 1.5, PEG 1.3, CLMT 1.1, INTU 1AINC 0.9, STMP 0.9 Select metalsmining stocks trading higher: SBGL 3.7, AUY 3.2, AG 3.1, SLW 2, NEM 2, IAG 1.9, ABX 1.8, GG 1.7, HMY 1.4, GDX 1.3, AU 1, Other news: CEMP 44.4 (positive topline results from a phase 3 study of oral fusidic acid )IPCI 30.2 (receives FDA approval for its ANDA for metformin hydrochloride extended release tablets)AXDX 22.2 (FDA allows marketing of the PhenoTest BC Kit, performed on the Pheno System )EARS 13 (FDA has granted Fast Track designation for AM-111)INCY 5.1 (to join SampP 500)NVLS 4.4 (announces its Phase 2 trial evaluating cavosonstat at a dose of 400 mg in adult patients with CF who were being treated w Kalydeco did not meet its primary endpoint )DFT 4.3 (announces an at-the-market program through which it may issue and sell, from time to time, up to an aggregate of 200 mln of its common shares)BATS 2.2 (higher following SampP index change announcement - CBOE to join SampP 500 after acquiring BATS)CONE 2.2 (will replace CLARCOR in the SampP MidCap 400)NUS 2 (WILL REPLACE EQUITY ONE IN THE SampP MIDCAP 400)CXW 1.7 (REPORTS THAT THE DOJ REVERSES OBAMA DECISION ON PRIVATE PRISONS)GEO 1.3 (REPORTS THAT THE DOJ REVERSES OBAMA DECISION ON PRIVATE PRISONS) Analyst comments: AERI 2.6 (INITIATED WITH AN OUTPERFORM AT COWEN)HL 2 (UPGRADED TO MARKET PERFORM FROM UNDERPERFORM AT BMO CAPITAL) 8:29 AM NORDIC AMERICAN OFFSHORE PRICES 40,000,000 COMMON SHARES (UPSIZED FROM 33,333,333 MLN) AT A PUBLIC OFFERING PRICE OF 1.25SHARE ( NAO ). The Company intends to use the net proceeds of this offering for general corporate purposes and working capital purposes and for the expansion of its fleet. 8:17 am Watsco prices the offering by certain subsidiaries of United Technologies Corp. ( UTX ) of 4,235,685 shares of its stock at 144.00share ( WSO ). 8:14 am Realogy reports Q4 results ( RLGY ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.40 per share, 0.17 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.23 revenues rose 3.4 yearyear to 1.37 bln vs the 1.34 bln Capital IQ Consensus. Reports FY16 EPS of 1.65 vs. 1.53 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. quotOur 2016 results continued to reflect the operating challenges of strong competition for sales agents and soft demand at the high end of the housing market for NRT, quot said Richard A. Smith, Realogys chairmaN, CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER AND PRESIDENT. quotWhile we still have work to do, we have made good progress. Our strategic priorities are to continue strengthening our core businesses while further investing CAPITAL TO DRIVE FUTURE GROWTH. REFLECTING OUR STRONG FREE CASH FLOW, WE ARE PLEASED TO EXPAND ON OUR CAPITAL RETURN PROGRAM THROUGH AN ADDITIONAL 300 MILLION SHARE REPURCHASE AUTHORIZATION. WE ARE CONFIDENT THAT OVER THE LONG TERM WE ARE WELL-POSITIONED TO CAPITALIZE ON FAVORABLE DEMAND CONDITIONS AND EXISTING HOMESALE VOLUME GROWTH WITHIN THE INDUSTRY. quot 8:12 am Medtronic receives CE mark for a suite of quadripolar cardiac resynchronization therapy pacemakers that also allow patients to receive MRI scans in either 1.5 or 3 Tesla machines ( MDT ). 8:11 am FelCor Lodging comments on the unsolicited, non-binding and conditional proposal to combine its business with Ashford Hospitality Trust ( AHT ) ( FCH ) : AHTs February 21, 2017 proposal follows several months of discussions between FelCor and AHT, during which FelCor repeatedly expressed numerous concerns regarding the value and structure of AHTs various proposals. Notable concerns include: proposed offer would dilute AHTs Funds From OpeRATIONS (:FFO) BY MORE THAN 30 (BASED ON CURRENT CONSENSUS ESTIMATES FOR 2017AHTS PROPOSAL FOR A ONE-YEAR GUARANTEE OF 18 MILLION IN COST AND OPERATING SYNERGIES WOULD BE MORE THAN OFFSET BY EXTERNAL MANAGEMENT FEES TO ITS EXTERNAL ADVISOR, ASHFORD INC. IN EXCESS OF 25 MILLION. A COMBINATION OF AHT AND FELCOR WOULD RESULT IN A NEW COMPANY WITH LEVERAGE OF APPROXIMATELY 8.5X EBITDA, OR APPROXIMATELY 1.5X HIGHER THAN FELCOR ON A STANDALONE BASIS, INCLUDING PREFERRED SHARES. AHTS OFFER OF THREE FELCOR-DESIGNATED SEATS ON THE AHT BOARD IS NOT COMMENSURATE WITH FELCORS 58 PRO FORMA COMBINED COMPANY OWNERSHIP 8:06 AM WESTMORELAND COAL WILL RESTATE FINANCIAL INFORMATION STEMMING FROM CHANGES IN THE ACCOUNTING FOR ITS CUSTOMER RECLAMATION RECEIVABLES ( WLB ) : This change has no impact on cos cash flow, the economic value of its contracts or its ability to collect cash for reclamation from customers. Based on a preliminary assessment, co expects the following changes to its financial statements as a result of this restatement: For the year ended December 31, 2015, an increase in revenue of 9.5 mln, an increase in accretion expense (reflected in cost of sales) of 9.1 mln, and an increase in deplETION EXPENSE OF 9.6 MLN. FOR THE NINE MONTHS ENDED SEPTEMBER 30, 2016, AN INCREASE IN REVENUE OF 3.4 MILLION, AN INCREASE IN ACCRETION EXPENSE (REFLECTED IN COST OF SALES) OF 8.7 MILLION, AND AN INCREASE IN DEPLETION EXPENSE OF 11.8 MILLION. THE THIRD PARTY RECLAMATION RECEIVABLE WILL NOW BE RECOGNIZED ON THE BALANCE SHEET AS LAND AND MINERAL RIGHTS. THERE IS NO IMPACT ON WESTMORELANDS ABILITY TO BE REIMBURSED FOR RECLAMATION FROM ITS CUSTOMERS. CO EXPECTS ITS ADJUSTED EBITDA TO BE HIGHER THAN PREVIOUSLY REPORTED PRIMARILY FROM THE INCREASE IN REVENUE AND THE EXCLUSION OF ACCRETION AND DEPLETION EXPENSE FROM THE CALCULATION. 8:05 AM PHARMERICA BEATS BY 0.07, BEATS ON REVS GUIDES FY17 EPS BELOW CONSENSUS, REVS ABOVE CONSENSUS ( PMC ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.58 per share, EXCLUDING NON-RECURRING ITEMS, 0.07 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.51 revenues rose 2.7 yearyear to 534.4 mln vs the 523.56 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Co issues downside EPS guidance for FY17, sees EPS of 1.75-1.95, excluding non-recurring items, vs. 2.18 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees upside FY17 revs of 2.3-2.4 bln vs. 2.24 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. 8:04 am TearLab will effect a 1-for-10 reverse stock split will begin trading on a split-adjusted basis on Monday, February 27, 2017 ( TEAR ). 8:04 am AMERICAN RAILCAR INDUSTRIES BEATS BY 0.18, BEATS ON REVS ( ARII ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 1.16 per share, excluding non-recurring items, 0.18 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.98 revenues fell 35.8 yearyear to 167.5 mln vs the 153.14 mln Capital IQ Consensus. ARIs backlog as of December 31, 2016 was 3,813 railcars, with an estimated market value of 350.5 million. Of the total backlog, 1,637 railcars, or 43, were subject to lease with an estimated market value of 152.2 million. Adjusted EBITDA of 188.0 million, or 29.4 of revenue. 8:04 am AES agreed to acquire FTP Power LLC from Fir TREE PARTNERS AND ITS MINORITY OWNERS, FOR 853 MILLION IN CASH PLUS THE ASSUMPTION OF 724 MILLION IN NON-RECOURSE DEBT ( AES ). Co has agreed to acquire FTP Power LLC (sPower), the largest independent owner, operator and developer of utility scale solar assetS IN THE UNITED STATES, FROM FIR TREE PARTNERS AND ITS MINORITY OWNERS, FOR 853 MILLION IN CASH, PLUS THE ASSUMPTION OF 724 MILLION IN NON-RECOURSE DEBT. IN CONNECTION WITH THE TRANSACTION, AES AND AIMCO WILL EACH DIRECTLY AND INDEPENDENTLY PURCHASE AND OWN SLIGHTLY BELOW 50 EQUITY INTERESTS IN SPOWER. THE SPOWER PORTFOLIO INCLUDES 1,274 MW OF SOLAR AND WIND PROJECTS IN OPERATION OR UNDER CONSTRUCTION AND A DEVELOPMENT PIPELINE OF MORE THAN 10,000 MW LOCATED IN THE UNITED STATES. THE OPERATING ASSETS AND PROJECTS UNDER CONSTRUCTION ARE UNDER LONG-TERM POWER PURCHASE AGREEMENTS ( PPA ) with an average remaining life of 21 years. The offtakers under the PPAs have an average credit rating of A1. 8:03 am Intellipharmaceutics Intl receives FDA approval for its ANDA for metformin hydrochloride extended release tablets in the 500 mg and 750 mg strengths ( IPCI ). The Companys newly approvED PRODUCT IS A GENERIC EQUIVALENT FOR THE CORRESPONDING STRENGTHS OF THE BRANDED PRODUCT GLUCOPHAGE XR SOLD IN THE UNITED STATES BY BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB ( BMY ) 8:03 am Flowserve appoints Jay Roueche interim Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately ( FLS ). Mr. Roueches appointment follows Karyn Ovelmens departure from the company as executive vice president and chief financial officer. Flowserve will initiate a search to identify a permanent chief financial officer under incoming president and CEO Scott Rowes dIRECTION. JAY ROUECHE HAS SERVED AS VICE PRESIDENT, INVESTOR RELATIONS AND TREASURER, SINCE OCTOBER 2012. 8:02 AM HERON THERAPEUTICS ANNOUNCES THE INCLUSION OF SUSTOL EXTENDED-RELEASE INJECTION AS PART OF THE NATIONAL COMPREHENSIVE CANCER NETWORK CLINICAL PRACTICE GUIDELINES IN ONCOLOGY FOR ANTIEMESIS VERSION 1.2017 ( HRTX ). 8:02 am Echostar Holdings beats by 0.02, reports revs in-line ( SATS ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.40 per share, 0.02 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.38 revenues fell 6.3 yearyear to 740.4 mln vs the 742.28 mln Capital IQ Consensus. EBITDA 3 to 229 mln. 1,036,000 Hughes consumer broadband subscribers as of December 31, 2016. 8:02 am Intersect ENT receivs FDA approval FOR ITS PROPEL CONTOUR STEROID RELEASING SINUS IMPLANT ( XENT ). Co announces it has received approval from the FDA for its PROPEL Contour steroid releasing sinus implant. PROPEL Contour features an innovative hourglass design that facilitates treatment of patients with chronic sinusitis in the frontal (behind the forehead) and maxillary (behind the cheeks) sinuses. With this approval, Intersect ENTs PROPEL family of steroid releasing implants allows for treatment of patients undergoing ethmoid, frontal or maxillary surgeries, which represent the majority of procedures for the treatment of chronic sinusitis. Co expects to launch PROPEL Contour broadly in Q2 and maintains its previously stated 2017 revenue guidance of 87-89 mln vs consenSUS OF 87.2 MLN. 8:01 AM AURIS MEDICAL ANNOUNCES THAT THE FDA HAS GRANTED FAST TRACK DESIGNATION FOR AM-111 IN THE TREATMENT OF ACUTE SENSORINEURAL (INNER EAR) HEARING LOSS ( EARS ). Auris Medical is currently evaluating AM-111 in two Phase 3 clinical trials. The first is the HEALOS trial, which is being conducted in several European and Asian countries. HEALOS aims to enroll approximately 255 patients with severe to profound idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Auris Medical expects to complete enrollment in the second quarter of 2017 and announce top-line results from this trial in the third quarter of 2017.Auris Medical expects to announce top-line results from the ASSENT trial in the second half of 2018. 8:01 am RMG Networks Holding converts one of its Visual Supply Chain pilots, into a contract, for the first stage of what has the potential of being a major company-wide rollout in 2017 and beyond ( RMGN ). The customer, a 10 billion global manufacturing company with 50 facilities world-wide, implemented a pilot of RMGs Visual Supply Chain solution in mid-2016, to streamline its operations by improving internal communications and productivity at its distribution centers. The success of the distribution center pilot led to a secondary project awarded in December 2016 for more than 250,000, at one of its manufacturing facilities. 8:00 am SampP futures vs fair value: -11.30. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -31.10. (:WRAPX) : Equity futures trade solidly lower this morning following the Dows tenth straight record close on Thursday, a milestone which hasnt been achieved since 1987. The SampP 500 futures currently trade 11 points (0.5) below fair value. U. S. Treasuries trade just above their flat lines in early action, looking to post their third consecutive gain on Friday. The benchmark 10-yr yield is one basis point lower at 2.36. Conversely, crude oil has followed yesterdays big advance with a solid loss this morning. The energy component is down 0.8 at 54.03bbl ahead of todays Baker Hughes rig count data, which will be released at 1:00 pm ET. On the data front, investors will receive January New Home Sales (Briefing consensus 566,000) and the final reading of the University of Michigan Sentiment Index for February (Briefing consensus 95.8). Both reports will be released at 10:00 am ET. In U. S. corporate news: Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE 22.80, -1.86): -7.5 after the company missed revenue expectations and issued below-consensus earnings guidance. Foot Locker (FL 69.10, 0.52): 0.8 after reporting better than expected earnings per share results. Nordstrom (JWN 45.29, 1.35): 3.1 after a beat on earnings overshadowed a miss on revenues and disappointing guidance. JC Penny (JCP 6.55, -0.31): -4.5 despite beating bottom line estimates. It is worth noting that the company plans to close two distribution facilities and 130-140 of its stores over the next few months. Super Micro Computer (SMCI 26.10, -1.30): -4.7 after reports that Apple (AAPL 135.20, -1.33) has cut ties with the server supplier. Reviewing overnight developments: Equity indices in the Asia-Pacific region ended the week on a mixed note, but trading ranges were fairly narrow. Indias Sensex was closed for Mahashivratri. Japans Nikkei -0.5, Hong Kongs Hang Seng -0.6, Chinas Shanghai Composite 0.1.In economic data:South Koreas February Consumer Confidence ticked up to 94 from 93. Singapores January Industrial Production -6.0 month-over-month (expected -2.6 last 6.7) 2.2 year-over-year (consensus 8.4 previous 22.1)In news:Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe acknowledged that the global economy is on firmer footing, but noted his preference for a lower Aussie exchange rate. ThE AUSTRALIAN DOLLAR IS DOWN 0.4 AGAINST THE GREENBACK AT 0.7687.MAJOR EUROPEAN INDICES TRADE LOWER ACROSS THE BOARD. UKS FTSE -0.7, FRANCES CAC -1.3, GERMANYS DAX -1.4.IN ECONOMIC DATA:FRANCES FEBRUARY CONSUMER CONFIDENCE HELD AT 100, AS EXPECTED. UKS BBA MORTGAGE APPROVALS 44,700 (EXPECTED 41,900 LAST 43,600) ITALYS DECEMBER INDUSTRIAL NEW ORDERS 2.8 MONTH-OVER-MONTH (LAST 1.7) -0.9 YEAR-OVER-YEAR (LAST 0.1). INDUSTRIAL NEW SALES 2.6 MONTH-OVER-MONTH (LAST 2.4) 9.4 YEAR-OVER-YEAR (LAST 3.9). FEBRUARY BUSINESS CONFIDENCE 106.3 (EXPECTED 104.6 LAST 105.0) AND CONSUMER CONFIDENCE 106.6 (CONSENSUS 109.0 LAST 108.6)IN NEWS:IN GERMANY, POLLING DATA FROM INFRATEST SHOWS THAT CHANCELLOR ANGELA MERKELS CDUCSU COALITION HAS SEEN ITS SUPPORT DROP TO 31.0, FALLING BEHIND SDU, WHICH POLLED AT 32.0. 7:56 AM TELEPHONE amp DATA BEATS BY 0.13, MISSES ON REVS GUIDES FY17 REVS BELOW CONSENSUS ( TDS ). Reports Q4 (Dec) loss of 0.05 per share, 0.13 better than the two analyst estimate of (0.18) revenues rose 0.3 yearyear to 1.28 bln vs the 1.36 bln Capital IQ Consensus. Co issues downside guidance for FY17, sees FY17 revs of 5.015-5.265 bln vs. 5.29 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. Operating Cash FLow 805-995 mlnAdjusted EBITDA 955-1145 mlnCapEx approx 735 mln 7:50 am TerraForm Power misses Q3 rev estimates exoects to miss 10-K for 2016 deadline and 10-Q for Q1 deadline ( TERP ). Q3 adj. EBITDA 5 to 132 mln revs 9 to 178 mln vs 194.81 mln Capital IQ Consensus CAFD -65 to 34 mln cash 540 mlnAs disclosed more fully in the ForM 10-Q FOR 3Q 2016, WITH THE FILING OF ITS FORM 10-Q FOR 3Q 2016, THE COMPANY HAS FILED ALL OF ITS PREVIOUSLY DELAYED SEC PERIODIC REPORTS, INCLUDING ITS FORM 10-K FOR 2015 AND ITS FORMS 10-Q FOR 1Q 2016, 2Q 2016, AND 3Q 2016. HOWEVER, DUE TO THE TIME AND RESOURCES REQUIRED TO COMPLETE ITS DELAYED SEC PERIODIC REPORTS, THE COMPANY HAS EXPERIENCED DELAYS IN ITS ONGOING EFFORTS TO COMPLETE ALL STEPS AND TASKS NECESSARY TO FINALIZE ITS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND OTHER DISCLOSURES REQUIRED FOR ITS FORM 10-K FOR 2016 AND SUBSEQUENT QUARTERLY REPORTS. THE COMPANY CURRENTLY DOES NOT EXPECT TO BE ABLE TO FILE ITS FORM 10-K FOR 2016 BY THE SEC DEADLINE OF MARCH 1, 2017 OR ITS FORM 10-Q FOR 1Q 2017 BY THE SEC FILING DEADLINE OF MAY 10, 2017. AS A RESULT, THE COMPANY WILL REQUEST FROM NASDAQ ANOTHER EXTENSION OF TIME TO REGAIN COMPLIANCE WITH APPLICABLE NASDAQ REPORTING REQUIREMENTS AND AVOID BECOMING DELISTED. NASDAQ MAY GRANT OR DENY SUCH A REQUEST IN ITS DISCRETION. 7:49 AM TELEPHONE amp DATA INCREASES QUARTERLY DIVIDEND TO 0.155SHARE FROM 0.148SHARE ( TDS ). 7:48 am Cheniere Energy Partners intends to enter into a Note Purchase Agreement to issue and sell 800 million principal amount of 5.00 Senior Secured Notes due 2037 in a private placement ( CQP ). SPL intends to use the net proceeds from the offering (after deducting the estimated fees, expenses and incremental interest during construction related to the SPL 2037 Notes) to prepay all of the principal amounts currently outstanding under SPLs credit facilities (the quot2015 SPL Credit Facilitiesquot) and to pay capital costs in connection with the construction of Trains 1 through 5 of the Sabine Pass Liquefaction Project. 7:47 am RAIT Financial Trust provides an update on comprehensive strategy amp transformation initiative to enhance shareholder value ( RAS ). Co noted they will continue to transform into a more focused, cost-efficient and lower leverage biz concentrated on its core commercial real estate lending business. Co plans to focus on the following priorities:Focus RAITs business on core middle-market commercial real estate lending business, Opportunistically divest and maximize the value of RAITs legacy owned real estate portfolio amp ultimately minimize REO holdings, opportunistically divest and maximize the vALUE OF RAITS COMMERCIAL PROPERTY MANAGEMENT BIZ, OPTIMIZE CAPITAL STRUCTURE AND REDUCE OUTSTANDING INDEBTEDNESS, REDUCE THEIR TOTAL EXPENSE BASE, REALLOCATE CAPITAL AND CASH PROCEEDS FROM DIVESTING THEIR NON-CORE ASSETS INTO GROWING CORE MIDDLE-MARKET COMMERCIAL REAL ESTATE LENDING ACTIVITIES, amp CONTINUE DISTRIBUTING CASH TO SHAREHOLDERS ON A REGULAR BASIS THROUGH DIVIDENDS. quotWe believe our strategy of transforming RAIT into a pure-play commercial real estate lender is the right strategy to differentiate RAIT, drive sustainable earnings and, ultimately, grow long-term shareholder value. quot said Scott Davidson, RAITs Chief Executive Officer. quotAs we detail in our investor presentation and will discuss during our fourth quarter 2016 earnings call, we have achieved significant progress in 2016 in implementing our strategy and transformation initiative and look to carry that momentum into 2017.quotREMINDER: CO ALSO REPORTED EARNINGS IN A SEPARATE PRESS RELEASE - SEE 7:43 AM ET COMMENT. 7:35 AM SCRIPPS BEATS BY 0.03, BEATS ON REVS GUIDES Q1, FY17 BY SEGMENT ( SSP ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.46 per share, excluding non-recurring items, 0.03 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.43 revenues rose 33.2 yearyear to 272.7 mln vs the 269.82 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Television In the fourth quarter of 2016, revenue from television group was 233 million, up 62.7 million or 37 percent. Retransmission revenue increased 24.7 million, and political advertising revenue was 56.2 million in the presidential election year, compared to 2.1 million in 2015.Sees Q1 TV rev flat FY17 down mid-single digits, retransmission up 20. Radio rev flat for the year down MSD for Q1 digital rev up high 30 for the year mid-20 in Q1. 7:33 am Harsco beats by 0.07, reports revs in-line guides Q1 EPS below two analyst estimate guides FY17 EPS in-line ( HSC ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.16 per share, 0.07 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.09 revenues fell 7.0 yearyear to 360 mln vs the 357.1 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Co issues downside guidance for Q1, sees EPS of (0.01)-0.04 vs. 0.09 two analyst estimate. Co issues in-line guidance for FY17, sees EPS of 0.32-0.50 vs. 0.49 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate.2017 GAAP and Adjusted Operating Income Expected Between 100 Million and 120 Million Free Cash Flow Anticipated Within a RangE OF 60 MILLION TO 80 MILLIONTHE COMPANYS 2017 GUIDANCE REFLECTS AN OVERALL MIXED OUTLOOK ACROSS ITS SERVICES AND PRODUCTS PORTFOLIO COMBINED WITH THE EXPECTED FINANCIAL IMPACTS FROM A STRONGER U. S. DOLLAR AGAINST VARIOUS CURRENCIES. FOR METALS amp MINERALS, ADJUSTED OPERATING INCOME IS ANTICIPATED TO BE COMPARABLE WITH 2016 AS OPERATIONAL SAVINGS, NEW SITES AND A MODEST INCREASE IN CUSTOMER STEEL OUTPUT AND COMMODITY PRICES ARE EXPECTED TO BE OFFSET BY FOREIGN EXCHANGE IMPACTS, SERVICES MIX AND LOWER NICKEL AND APPLIED PRODUCTS VOLUMES. MEANWHILE, INDUSTRIAL EARNINGS ARE PROJECTED TO SLIGHTLY INCREASE AS IMPROVED DEMAND FOR HEAT EXCHANGERS AND COMMERCIAL BOILERS ARE EXPECTED TO OFFSET A LESS FAVORABLE PRODUCT MIX AND LOWER INDUSTRIAL GRATING DEMAND, AND IN RAIL, ADJUSTED EARNINGS ARE ALSO EXPECTED TO MODESTLY INCREASE AS HIGHER CONTRIBUTIONS FROM AFTER-MARKET PARTS, INTELLIGENT SOLUTIONS OFFERINGS, AND INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT SALES ARE ONLY PARTIALLY OFFSET BY WEAKER NORTH AMERICAN MARKET DEMAND AND LOWER CONTRACT SERVICES CONTRIBUTIONS. 7:33 AM PUBLIC SERVICE BEATS BY 0.02 GUIDES FY17 EPS IN-LINE ( PEG ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.54 per share, 0.02 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.52. Co issues in-line guidance for FY17, sees EPS of 2.80-3.00 vs. 2.91 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. PSEG currently plans to invest approximately 10.2 billion over 2017 -- 2019 primarily in PSEampG (77) and PSEG Power (23). 7:31 am RAIT Financial Trust confirms receipt of a notice of nomination from from an affiliate of Highland Capital Management, L. P. regarding its intention to nominate five trustee candidates to its Board ( RAS ). 7:29 am On The Wires (:WIRES). Klondex Mines Ltd. (KLDX) provided results on the completed 2016 surface exploration drill program at its Fire Creek Mine located in northern Nevada, USA. The following drill results are not included within the mineral reserve and mineral resource estimates released on September 14, 2016. EIGHTEEN SURFACE HOLES TOTALING 28,721 FT (8,754.2 M) WERE DRILLED DURING THE REPORTING PERIOD. THESE EXPLORATION HOLES PRIMARILY TARGETED MINERALIZATION EXTENSIONS IN THE WEST, NORTH AND EAST ZONES. HOLES FCC-0064, FCC-0065, AND FCC-0068 ARE FOLLOW-UP HOLES TO FCC-0020 (PREVIOUSLY REPORTED IN PRESS RELEASE DATED NOVEMBER 10, 2016) WHICH TARGETED A 6,500 FT (1,981.2 M) NORTH-SOUTH STRIKING GEOPHYSICAL ANOMALY LOCATED ABOUT 4,000 FT (1,219.2 M) WEST OF THE CURRENT MINE WORKINGS. WOORI BANK (WF) DISCLOSED IN A REGULATORY FILING THAT IT IS CURRENTLY REVIEWING A POTENTIAL CONVERSION OF ITS STRUCTURE TO A HOLDING COMPANY STRUCTURE FOR ITS IMPROVEMENT OF MANAGEMENT EFFICIENCIES AND DIVERSIFICATION OF BUSINESS OFFERINGS HOWEVER, NO DECISIONS HAVE BEEN MADE AS OF THIS DATE. IN MAKING SUCH DECISION, WOORI BANK WILL COMPREHENSIVELY CONSIDER THE RELATED ISSUES FROM THE PERSPECTIVE OF ALL STAKEHOLDERS, INCLUDING SHAREHOLDERS AND CUSTOMERS, AND WILL PROVIDE ADDITIONAL DISCLOSURE AS NECESSARY. 7:28 AM TRANSDIGM GROUP TO OFFER AN ADDITIONAL 300 MILLION AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT OF 6.500 SENIOR SUBORDINATED NOTES DUE 2025 IN A PRIVATE OFFERING ( TDG ). Co intends to use the net proceeds from the offering of the Notes for general corporate purposes, which may include potential future acquisitions, dividends and purchases under its stock repurchase program, as well as to replenish approximately 90 million of cash on its balance sheet used to fund the acquisition of SCHROTH Safety Products GmbH and certain aviation and defense assets and liabilities from subsidiaries of Takata Corporation on February 22, 2017. 7:19 am European Markets Update: FTSE -0.7, CAC -1.3, DAX -1.4 (:SUMRX) : Major European indices trade lower across the board with Germanys DAX (-1.4) showing relative weakness. Todays underperformance in the DAX comes after the index spent the past two days just below its record high from early 2015. Also of note, polling data from Infratest shows that Chancellor Angela Merkels CDUCSU coalition has seen its support drop to 31.0, falling behind SDU, which polled at 32.0. In economic data: Frances February Consumer Confidence held at 100, as expected. UKs BBA Mortgage Approvals 44,700 (expected 41,900 last 43,600) Italys December Industrial New Orders 2.8 month-over-month (last 1.7) -0.9 year-over-year (last 0.1). Industrial New Sales 2.6 month-over-month (last 2.4) 9.4 year-over-year (last 3.9). February Business Confidence 106.3 (expected 104.6 last 105.0) and Consumer Confidence 106.6 (consensus 109.0 last 108.6) ---Equity Markets--- UKS FTSE IS LOWER BY 0.7 WITH MINERS AND FINANCIALS SHOWING RELATIVE WEAKNESS. RIO TINTO, GLENCORE, BHP BILLITON, ANTOFAGASTA, ANGLO AMERICAN, AND FRESNILLO ARE DOWN BETWEEN 1.4 AND 3.6. FINANCIALS LIKE RBS, STANDARD CHARTERED, fx, RSA INSURANCE, AND LLOYDS BANKING SHOW LOSSES BETWEEN 1.1 AND 3.9. FRANCES CAC HAS GIVEN UP 1.3 AMID BROAD WEAKNESS. ARCELORMITTAL IS THE WEAKEST COMPONENT, FALLING 4.2, WHILE OTHER GROWTH-SENSITIVE NAMES LIKE SAINT GOBAIN, LAFARGEHOLCIM, SOLVAY, AND TECHNIP ARE DOWN BETWEEN 2.6 AND 3.3. AUTOMAKERS PEUGEOT AND RENAULT SHOW RESPECTIVE LOSSES OF 3.0 AND 2.0. GERMANYS DAX TRADES DOWN 1.4. BASF HAS SURRENDERED 3.1 WHILE COMMERZBANK AND DEUTSCHE BANK ARE DOWN 2.8 AND 1.9, RESPECTIVELY. BMW, CONTINENTAL, AND DAIMLER ARE DOWN BETWEEN 1.3 AND 2.0 WHILE VOLKSWAGEN OUTPERFORMS WITH A LOSS OF 0.1. 7:16 AM CAMBER ENERGY ANNOUNCES THAT ITS NEWLY FORMED SUBSIDIARY, CAMBER PERMIAN II LLC, HAS ENTERED INTO A DEFINITIVE PURCHASE AND SALE AGREEMENT WITH PRIVATE SELLERS TO ACQUIRE OIL AND GAS LEASES COVERING APPROX. 15,500 GROSS ACRES (13,000 NET ACRES) IN THE PERMIAN BASIN FOR 11.03 MLN ( CEI ). The Permian Basin, also known as quotThe Arrowhead Projectquot, covers a contiguous block OF ACREAGE ACROSS THE YOAKUM AND COCHRAN COUNTY LINE OF THE PERMIAN BASIN AND INCLUDES A COMPLETED HORIZONTAL SAN ANDRES WELL AND A SALT-WATER DISPOSAL WELL, BOTH CURRENTLY SHUT-IN. CPII WILL PUT THE SAN ANDRES WELL BACK INTO PRODUCTION ONCE THE SALT-WATER DISPOSAL WELL IS PLACED INTO SERVICE. THE TRANSACTION, WHICH IS TARGETED TO CLOSE ON OR BEFORE MARCH 30, 2017, IS SUBJECT TO, AMONG OTHER THINGS, CERTAIN PURCHASE PRICE ADJUSTMENTS PURSUANT TO TITLE CONFIRMATION AND A CUSTOMARY DUE DILIGENCE INVESTIGATION. CONCURRENTLY WITH THE EXECUTION OF THE PSA, CPII ALSO ENTERED INTO AN EXPLORATION AGREEMENT WITH CERTAIN UNDISCLOSED JOINT-VENTURE PARTNERS. THIS AGREEMENT GIVES CPII ACCESS TO THE PROPRIETARY TECHNICAL, GEOLOGIC DATABASE OVER THE ARROWHEAD PROJECT. AS CONSIDERATION, THE JOINT-VENTURE PARTNERS HAVE THE OPTION TO OWN UP TO A 10 WORKING INTEREST, 5 OF WHICH IS CARRIED IN THE LEASE ACQUISITION. CPII WILL OWN THE REMAINING 90 TO 95 WORKING INTEREST IN THE LEASEHOLD AND WILL CONTROL OPERATORSHIP OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTIES. 7:15 AM GENMAB AS CONFIRMS CHMP OF THE EMA ISSUED A POSITIVE OPINION RECOMMENDING BROADENING THE EXISTING MARKETING AUTHORIZATION FOR DARZALEX IN THE EU ( GMXAY ) : The recommendation is for the use of DARZALEX (daratumumab) in combination with lenalidomide and dexamethasone, or bortezomib and dexamethasone, for the treatment of adult patients with multiple myeloma who have received at least one prior therapy. In August 2012, Genmab granted Janssen Biotech, Inc. (JNJ) an exclusive worldwide license to develop, manufacture and commercialize daratumumab. 7:10 am Novartis AG confirms the CHMP adopted a positive opinion recommending approval of Tafinlar in combination with Mekinist to treat patients with advanced or metastatic non - small cell lung cancer whose tumors express the BRAF V600 mutation. ( NVS ). 7:08 am J. C. Penney beats by 0.03, reports revs in-line guides FY18 EPS in-line with flat comps plans to close 13-14 of stores ( JCP ). Reports Q4 (Jan) earnings of 0.64 per share, excluding non-recurring items, 0.03 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.61 revenues fell 0.9 yearyear to 3.96 bln vs the 3.97 bln Capital IQ Consensus. Comparable store sales were (0.7) for the quarter. Reported holiday comps down 0.8 and reaffirmed FY17 EBITDA in early January. Home, Sephora, Salon and Fine Jewelry were the Companys top performing merchandise divisions during the quarter. Geographically, the Southeast and Pacific were the best performing regions of the country. FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER, GROSS MARGIN WAS 33.1 OF SALES VS. 34.3 ESTIAMTES, A 100 BASIS POINT DECLINE COMPARED TO THE SAME PERIOD LAST YEAR. GROSS MARGIN WAS IMPACTED PRIMARILY BY INCREASED PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITY DURING THE QUARTER, COUPLED WITH THE CONTINUED GROWTH IN BOTH ONLINE AND MAJOR APPLIANCES. CO ISSUES IN-LINE GUIDANCE FOR FY18, SEES EPS OF 0.40-0.65, EXCLUDING NON-RECURRING ITEMS, VS. 0.58 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE. COMPARABLE STORE SALES: EXPECTED TO BE -1 TO 1, JUST BELOW ESTIMATES GROSS MARGIN: EXPECTED TO BE UP 20 TO 40 BASIS POINTS VERSUS 2016 SGampA DOLLARS: EXPECTED TO BE DOWN 1 TO 2 VERSUS 2016. ACHIEVES 1 BILLION IN EBITDA FOR FULL YEAR A 477 MILLION IMPROVEMENT. CO EXPECTS TO CLOSE TWO DISTRIBUTION FACILITIES AND APPROX. 130-140 STORES OVER THE NEXT FEW MONTHS EXPECTS ANNUAL COST SAVINGS OF APPROX. 200 MLN RELATED TO THE CLOSURES (6.86) THE TOTAL STORE CLOSURES REPRESENT 13-14 OF ITS CURRENT STORE PORTFOLIO, LESS THAN 5 OF TOTAL ANNUAL SALES, LESS THAN 2 OF EBITDA AND 0 OF NET INCOME. 7:03 AM MATTERSIGHT ANNOUNCES A PRIVATE PLACEMENT OF 5.33 MLN SHARES OF COMMON STOCK FOR GROSS PROCEEDS OF 16 MLN ABOUT 5.23 MLN TO BE SOLD AT 3.00SHARE amp 100K AT 3.45SHARE ( MATR ). Proceeds from the private placement are expected to be used for general corporate and working capital purposes. 7:01 am Cempra announces positive topline results from a phase 3 study of oral fusidic acid in 716 patients with acute bacterial skin and skin structure infections (:ABSSSI) fusidic acid met primary endpoint and secondary efficacy endpoints ( CEMP ) : quotWe are excited that the results of this phase 3 study with fusidic acid confirm the results of our phase 2 study and are consistent with the more than 40 years of experience that the product has accumulated outside the United States. We look forward to meeting with the FDA to discuss the next steps required to bring fusidic acid to patienTS IN THE UNITED STATES, quot said David Oldach, M. D. chief medical officer of Cempra. Fusidic acid was well tolerated in the study. The rates of treatment-emergent adverse events (TEAEs) were comparable between treatment groups (37.9 percent fusidic acid, 36.1 percent linezolid). The most common TEAEs in both treatment groups were gastrointestinal events (22.8 percent fusidic acid, 18.2 percent linezolid). Serious adverse events (SAEs) occurred in six fusidic acid recipients and eight linezolid recipients, and were considered study-drug related in one fusidic acid recipient (vomiting) and in two linezolid recipients (one drug induced liver injury, one vomiting). Adverse events led to study drug discontinuation in 2.2 percent of fusidic acid recipients, and 2.0 percent of linezolid recipients. There was one death in the study, an event due to illicit drug overdose and aspiration which occurred in a patient receiving linezolid. Rates of treatment-emergent ALT elevation to gt3x ULN occurred in 1.0 percent of fusidic acid recipients and 0.7 percent of linezolid patients. 7:00 am J. C. Penney expects to close two distribution facilities and approx. 130-140 stores over the next few months expects annual cost savings of approx. 200 mln related to the closures ( JCP ) : The total store closures represent 13-14 of its current store portfolio, less than 5 of total annual sales, less than 2 of EBITDA and 0 of net income. The stores identified for closure either require significant capital to achieve its new brand standard or are minimally cash flow positive today relative to its overall consolidated average. Comparable sales performance for the closing stores was significantly below the remaining store base and these stores operate at a much higher expense rate given the lack of productivity. Once cycled, these closures are expected to be net income neutral. The annual cost savings resulting from these strategic decisions, primarily occupancy, payroll, home office support, corporate administration and other store-related expenses, are estimated at 200 mln. During the 1H17, co expects to record an estimated pre-tax charge of 225 mln, primarily lease termination obligation expenses, non-cash asset impairments and transition costs, in connection with this initiative. Nearly all impacted stores are expected to close in 2Q17. 6:58 am Asian Markets Close: Nikkei -0.5, Hang Seng -0.6, Shanghai 0.1 (:SUMRX) : Equity indices in the Asia-Pacific region ended the week on a mixed note, but trading ranges were fairly narrow. Reserve Bank of Australia Governor Philip Lowe acknowledged that the global economy is on firmer footing, but noted his preference for a lower Aussie exchange rate. The Australian dollar is down 0.4 against the greenback at 0.7687. In economic data: South Koreas February Consumer Confidence ticked up to 94 from 93. Singapores January Industrial Production -6.0 month-over-month (expected -2.6 LAST 6.7) 2.2 YEAR-OVER-YEAR (CONSENSUS 8.4 PREVIOUS 22.1) ---EQUITY MARKETS--- JAPANS NIKKEI LOST 0.5, BUT GAINED 0.3 FOR THE WEEK. GROWTH-SENSITIVE NAMES STRUGGLED IN RESPONSE TO SPECULATION THAT AN INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING BILL IN THE US WILL BE DELAYED. KOMATSU, SUMITOMO HEAVY INDUSTRIES, MITSUBISHI MATERIALS, KOBE STEEL, FURUKAWA, HITACHI CONSTRUCTION, AND PACIFIC METALS LOST BETWEEN 2.9 AND 5.4. ON THE UPSIDE, TOSHIBA SPIKED 4.5 TO CONTINUE ITS RECENT VOLATILE STRETCH. HONG KONGS HANG SENG LOST 0.6 TO END THE WEEK LOWER BY 0.3. APPLE SUPPLIER AAC TECHNOLOGIES WAS THE WEAKEST PERFORMER, FALLING 4.7. FINANCIALS LIKE BOC HONG KONG, PING AN INSURANCE, BANK OF CHINA, AND HSBC LOST BETWEEN 0.8 AND 1.5. CHINAS SHANGHAI COMPOSITE TICKED UP 0.1, EXTENDING ITS WEEKLY GAIN TO 1.6. CHINA SOUTHERN AIRLINES, CHINA WORLD TRADE CENTER, BESTTONE HOLDINGS, AND CHINA EASTERN AIRLINES CLIMBED BETWEEN 3.5 AND 5.7. INDIAS SENSEX WAS CLOSED FOR MAHASHIVRATRI. ---FX--- USDJPY -0.3 TO 112.34 USDCNY 0.1 TO 6.8715 USDINR -0.1 TO 66.618 6:55 AM MOODYS FILES FOR DEBT OFFERING SIZE UNDISCLOSED ( MCO ). 6:52 am Foot Locker beats by 0.05, reports revs in-line sees mid-single digit comps and double-digit EPS growth this year ( FL ). Reports Q4 (Jan) earnings of 1.37 per share, 0.05 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 1.32 revenues rose 5.3 yearyear to 2.11 bln vs the 2.11 bln Capital IQ Consensus. Q4 comparable-store sales increased 5.0. Total sales increased 5.3 percent, to 2,113 million this year, compared with sales of 2,007 million for the corresponding prior-year period. Excluding the effect of foreign currency fluctuations, totAL SALES FOR THE FOURTH QUARTER INCREASED 6.1 PERCENT. THE COMPANYS GROSS MARGIN RATE IMPROVED TO 33.7 PERCENT OF SALES FROM 33.6 PERCENT A YEAR AGO, AND THE SELLING, GENERAL, AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSE RATE IMPROVED 60 BASIS POINTS TO 18.7 PERCENT OF SALES. quotAlthough we currently face a softer sales environment than at this time last year, we are planning for a mid-single digit comparable sales gain and a double-digit earnings per share increase for the full year of 2017.quot Consensus calls for EPS 9.3 to 5.27share. 6:50 am Rowan Cos beats by 0.17, beats on revs ( RDC ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.08 per share, excluding a 0.27 per share loss on extinguishment of 463.9 mln of debt, 0.17 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of (0.09) revenues fell 34.3 yearyear to 351.8 mln vs the 343.7 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Rev decline was driven by a 41 decline in the Deepwater segment and a 30 decline in the Jack-up segment. The Deepwater decline resulted from Rowan Relentless being idle and Rowan Resolute operating at a reduced day rate due to the blend and extend amendment to its contract. Jack-up revenues were impacted by lower utilization and lower day rates. 6:50 am Comstock misses by 0.40 ( CRK ). Reports Q4 (Dec) loss of 2.58 per share, 0.40 worse than the Capital IQ Consensus of (2.18)stock produced 62 Bcfe or 169 million cubic feet equivalent (quotMMcfequot) per day during 2016. Natural gas production grew 13 in 2016 to 53.7 Bcf while oil production decreased by 55 TO 1.4 MILLION BARRELS. NATURAL GAS COMPRISED 87 OF COMSTOCKS 2016 TOTAL PRODUCTION AS COMPARED TO 72 OF TOTAL PRODUCTION IN 2015. PRODUCTION IN THE FOURTH QUARTER OF 2016 WAS 14 BCFE OR 153 MMCFE PER DAY, WHICH WAS COMPRISED OF 3,217 BARRELS OF OIL AND 133 MILLION CUBIC FEET (quotMMcfquot) of natural gas. The production decline in the fourth quarter was primarily attributable to the SUSPENSION OF THE DRILLING PROGRAM IN JUNE 2016, WHICH WAS RESTARTED IN THE FOURTH QUARTER, THE COMPANYS DIVESTITURE OF CERTAIN NATURAL GAS PROPERTIES IN THE FOURTH QUARTER, AND THE SHUT-IN OF CERTAIN OF THE COMPANYS HAYNESVILLE SHALE PRODUCTION FOR OFFSET COMPLETION ACTIVITY. COMSTOCK CURRENTLY PLANS TO DRILL 20 (15.5 NET) ADDITIONAL HAYNESVILLE SHALE WELLS IN 2017 AND COMPLETE THE 2016 WELLS AT AN ESTIMATED CAPITAL OUTLAY OF 142.9 MILLION. COMSTOCK HAS BUDGETED AN ADDITIONAL 7.0 MILLION FOR OTHER NON - DRILLING EXPENDITURES. THE COMPANY ALSO HAS TENTATIVELY BUDGETED AN ADDITIONAL 17.6 MILLION FOR TWO (1.7 NET) BOSSIER SHALE WELLS THAT MAY BE DRILLED IN LATE 2017 DEPENDING ON NATURAL GAS PRICES. THESE WELLS WOULD FURTHER PROVE UP THE BOSSIER SHALE POTENTIAL OF ITS PROPERTIES DEMONSTRATED BY THE SUCCESSFUL JORDAN WELL DRILLED IN 2015. 6:48 AM SOUTH JERSEY INDUSTRIES IN SLIDES PLANS 1.7 BLN OF CAPEX FROM 2016-2020, PLANS 2017 CAPEX OF 316 MLN ( SJI ). planned capex for 2018 of 472 mlnplanned capex for 2019 of 353 mlnplanned capex for 2020 of 259 mln 6:47 am Asanko Gold publishes updated mineral resource and reserve estimate measured and indicated resources of 7.34 million ounces at 1.44 gt au and inferred resources of 1.43 million ounces at 1.43 gt au, as of December 31 ( AKG ). Mineral Resource Estimate includes updated constraining parameters, in line with best practice. Proven and Probable Mineral Reserves of 4.82 million ounces at 1.57 gt AU, POST NKRAN MINING DEPLETION OF 270,471 OUNCES, REPRESENTING NO MATERIAL CHANGE TO THE GLOBAL RESERVE INVENTORY. INCREASED EXPLORATION PROGRAM IN HIGHLY PROSPECTIVE BELT EXPECTED TO ADD ADDITIONAL OUNCES IN 2017. 6:46 AM DAIMLER AGS MERCEDES-BENZ VANS UNIT REPORTS FY16 RESULTS ( DDAIF ). For FY16, Daimlers van division handed over a total of approximately 359,100 vans and multipurpose vehicles to its customers, representing growth of 12 (2015: 321,000). Revenue also increased by about 12 percent to 12.8 billion euros (2015: 11.5 billion euros). Mercedes-Benz Vans EBIT actually rose by a third to EUR 1,170 mln (plus approximately 33 percent froM 880 MILLION EUROS IN 2015) AND WERE FOR THE FIRST TIME ABOVE ONE BILLION EUROS. RETURN ON SALES ALSO INCREASED SIGNIFICANTLY COMPARED WITH THE PREVIOUS YEAR TO 9.1 PERCENT (2015: 7.7 PERCENT) AND WAS THUS AT THE TARGETED LEVEL. A SIGNIFICANT PART OF THE INVESTMENT BY MERCEDES-BENZ VANS IN 2017 WILL BE FOR THE ONGOING MODERNIZATION AND EXPANSION OF THE WORLDWIDE PRODUCTION NETWORK -- ESPECIALLY IN VIEW OF PREPARATIONS FOR THE NEW MODELS. THIS YEAR THE DIVISION WILL INVEST APPROXIMATELY 260 MILLION EUROS AT THE GERMAN SPRINTER PLANTS IN DSSELDORF AND LUDWIGSFELDE ALONE. 6:44 AM SAMSUNG INTRODUCES MEASURES TO ENHANCE TRANSPARENCY IN FINANCIAL DONATIONS ( SSNLF ). Board Approval for Donations Over 1 Billion Won: All financial donations and CSR funding amounting to more than 1 billion won will require the approval from the companys Board of DirECTORS. THIS IS TO ENHANCE THE TRANSPARENCY OF THE MANAGEMENT OF SUCH DONATIONS AND FUNDS AND TO STRENGTHEN THE COMPLIANCE BY REQUIRING THE APPROVAL OF THE BOARD, WHICH IS COMPRISED OF A MAJORITY OF OUTSIDE DIRECTORS. TO DATE, THE COMPANY ONLY REQUIRED BOARD APPROVAL FOR ENDOWMENTS THAT WERE MORE THAN 0.5 OF THE COMPANYS SHAREHOLDER EQUITY. CURRENTLY, 0.5 OF THE SHAREHOLDER EQUITY IS APPROXIMATELY 680 BILLION WON. 6:37 AM ARES MANAGEMENT MISSES BY 0.03, BEATS ON REVS ( ARES ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.34 per share, 0.03 worse than the CapITAL IQ CONSENSUS OF 0.37 REVENUES ROSE 124.6 YEARYEAR TO 358.2 MLN VS THE 334.3 MLN TWO ANALYST ESTIMATE. TOTAL ASSETS UNDER MANAGEMENT OF 95.3 BILLION, OR 98.9 BILLION PRO FORMA FOR ARES CAPITALS (quotARCCquot) acquisition of American Capital, Ltd. (quotACASquot) which closed on January 3, 2017. quotDuring 2016, we continued to enjoy widespread demand from our existing and new clients with approximately 14 billion in AUM raised, quot said Michael Arougheti, President of Ares. quotLookinG FORWARD, WE ARE WELL POSITIONED FOR FEE RELATED EARNINGS GROWTH AS WE INCREASE OUR FEE PAYING AUM BY INVESTING OUR AVAILABLE CAPITAL AND BENEFIT FROM RECENT STRATEGIC INITIATIVES. quot 6:35 am Royal Bank of Canada beats by CAD 0.05, misses on revs ( RY ). Reports Q1 (Jan) earnings of CAD 1.83 per share, excluding non-recurring items, CAD 0.05 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of CAD 1.78 revenues rose 2.0 yearyear to CAD 9.55 bln vs the CAD 9.79 bln Capital IQ Consensus. Adj ROE was 16.7 (up 120 bps from 15.5).Co announces that Jennifer Tory, currently Group Head Personal amp Commercial Bank will assume the role of Chief Administrative Officer. Neil McLaughlin, currently Executive Vice-President, Business Financial Services, PampCB will become Group Head PampCB, replacing Ms. Tory. 6:35 am AIA Group reports FY16 results ( AAGIY ). Co reports FY16 EPS up 15 to 0.3325.share. quotThe Board has recommended a further step up of 25 per cent in the 2016 final dividend from our higher base in 2015 to 63.75 Hong Kong cents per share. This dividend uplift reflects our excellent financial performance and our confidence in the future outlook for the Groupquot 6:34 am Harvest Natural sells all of its Gabon interests to BW Energy Gabon for 32 mln ( HNR ). At the closing of the sale, BW Energy Gabon will pay Harvest 32 million, subject to certain adjustments. 2.5 million of the purchase price will be deposited in escrow for three months to satisfy certain post-closing claims under the Sale and Purchase Agreement. 6:34 am Cabot Oil amp Gas reports EPS in-line, misses on revs reiterates full year production guidance ( COG ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.01 per share, in-line with the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.01 revenues rose 12.7 yearyear to 316.5 mln vs the 350.92 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Equivalent production in the fourth quarter of 2016 was 164.2 Bcfe, consisting of 158.6 Bcf of natural gas, 822.7 Mbbls of crude oil and condensate, and 106.5 Mbbls of NGLs. EquivALENT PRODUCTION INCREASED NINE PERCENT SEQUENTIALLY COMPARED TO THE THIRD QUARTER OF 2016 AND WAS IN LINE WITH THE HIGH-END OF THE COMPANYS GUIDANCE RANGE FOR THE QUARTER. quotDespite our lowest level of capital spending since 2004, Cabot grew proved reserves and proved developed reserves by five percent and 16 percent, respectively, at record-low finding and development costs, quot explained Dinges. quotWe expect a return to double-digit reserve growth in 2017 as the Company increases its capital spending in anticipation of new takeaway capacity out of the Marcellus Shale. quot Q1 guidance: Cabot has provided first quarter 2017 net production guidance of 1,780 to 1,820 million cubic feet (Mmcf) per day for natural gas 10,000 to 10,500 Bbls per day for crude oil and condensate and 1,200 to 1,250 Bbls per day for NGLs. Reiterates full year production guidance: The Company has reiterated its 2017 production growth guidance range of 5 to 10 percent and initiated crude oil production growth guidance of 15 percent, which represents a substantial increase from the zero percent oil growth contained in the preliminary 2017 budget issued in October 2016. Based on the expectation for higher operating cash flow due to an improvement in the commodity price outlook, the Company is increasing its exploration and production (EampP) capital budget from 575 million to 650 million. 6:34 am Materialise reports EPS in-line, misses on revs guides FY17 revs below consensus ( MTLS ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.01 per share, in-line with the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.01 revenues rose 12.3 yearyear to 31.48 mln vs the 32.57 mln Capital IQ Consensus. quotThe additive manufacturing market continues to evolve, particularly in the direction of end part production, and we intend to continue positioning Materialise to benefit from this promising growth market in the coMING YEARS. OUR STRATEGIC PRIORITIES FOR 2017 ARE TO SUSTAIN OUR LEADERSHIP POSITION IN SOFTWARE THROUGH CONTINUED INNOVATION AND STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS TO DRIVE THE NEXT STAGE OF GROWTH IN OUR MEDICAL DIVISION THROUGH OUR FOCUS ON THE HOSPITAL MARKET TO CONTINUE INCREASING OUR MANUFACTURING OF END PARTS AND TO ENABLE THE DEVELOPMENT OF ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING IN SPECIFIC VERTICAL MARKETS. WE ANTICIPATE DELIVERING SALES AND ADJUSTED EBITDA MARGIN EXPANSION IN 2017 WHILE REINVESTING EFFICIENCY GAINS IN SELECTED BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT INITIATIVES. quotCo issues downside guidance for FY17, sees FY17 revs of 128-134 mln vs. 135.38 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate expects Adjusted EBITDA between 10,500 - 13,500 kEURquotAs the seasonality of our Materialise Manufacturing segment and our software businesses are expected to combine with the effects of the ramp up of the partnerships we entered into in the past months, we expect our financial results to be particularly strong in the third quarter and even stronger in the fourth quarTER. WE EXPECT THE AMOUNT OF DEFERRED REVENUE THAT MATERIALISE GENERATES FROM ANNUAL LICENSES AND MAINTENANCE IN 2017 TO INCREASE BY AN AMOUNT BETWEEN 4,000 - 5,000 KEUR. quot 6:33 am VolitionRx presents data a the World Congress of GI ENDO from a study that confirms prior test results that the Nu. Q Colorectal Cancer Screening Triage test reduces the total number of colonoscopy referrals while maintaining high sensitivity for cancer detection ( VNRX ). 6:32 am Magellan Health beats by 0.12, misses on revs guides FY17 EPS in-line, revs in-line ( MGLN ). REPORTS Q4 (DEC) EARNINGS OF 1.80 PER SHARE, EXCLUDING NON-RECURRING ITEMS, 0.12 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 1.68 revenues fell 0.4 yearyear to 1.26 bLN VS THE 1.33 BLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS. CO ISSUES IN-LINE GUIDANCE FOR FY17, SEES EPS OF 5.08-5.99, EXCLUDING NON-RECURRING ITEMS, VS. 5.52 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE SEES FY17 REVS OF 5.8-6.1 BLN VS. 5.9 BLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE. SEGMENT PROFIT FOR THE YEAR ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2016 INCREASED 9.5 PERCENT TO 301.8 MILLION, WHICH REFLECTS YEAR OVER YEAR EARNINGS GROWTH IN BOTH THE HEALTHCARE AND PHARMACY MANAGEMENT SEGMENTS. 6:32 AM NEWELL BRANDS REAFFIRMS ITS FY 17 OUTLOOK AHEAD OF CAGNY CONFERENCE SEES NET SALES OF 14.52-14.72 BLN VS 14.67 BLN CONSENSUS AND ADJ. EPS OF 2.95-3.15 VS 3.01 CONSENSUS ( NWL ) : FY 17 Outlook Net sales of 14.52-14.72 bln vs 14.67 bln consensusCore sales growth of 2.5-4Adj. EPS of 2.95-3.15 vs 3.01 consensus 6:32 am Stone Energy announces that the Co received approval to list its new common stock on the New York Stock Exchange under the same NYSE ticker symbol SGY following emergence from Chapter 11 reorganization ( SGY ). 6:31 am Performance Food Group prices 13.5 mln common stock offering by certain of its stockholders, including affiliates of The Blackstone Group ( BX ), at 23.50share ( PFGC ). 6:19 am Toshiba reports notice on conclusion of absorption-type company split agreement in respect of the memory business ( TOSBF ). Co concluded an absorption-type company split agreement, and wishes to announce the information on matters that remain undecided. The Company announced, on January 27, 2017, that the Memory business of the Storage amp Electronic Devices Solutions Company, one of its in-house companies, will be separated from the Company by a compaNY SPLIT. THE COMPANY SPLIT IS SUBJECT TO APPROVAL AT THE EXTRAORDINARY GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 30, 2017. AT THE SAME TIME, AS STATED IN ITS FEBRUARY 14, 2017 ANNOUNCEMENT, quotProvisional Outlook for FY2016 3Q Business Results and FY2016 Forecast, and Outline of Loss in Nuclear Power Business and Countermeasures, quot impairment loss of goodwill in the Nuclear Power business in FY2016 could reach 712.5 billion yen, and this will lead to a significant deterioration of the financial position, although the disclosed figures are still being reviewed by an independent accounting auditor. Given this, Toshiba Group urgently needs to enhance its financial structure, and Toshiba is considering various capital measures. In connection with the Company Split, as a means to further secure management resources for growth of the Memory business, and to enhance the financial structure of Toshiba Group, Toshiba is considering a restructuring with third-party capital, including potential sale of a majority stake. Toshiba will commence the procedure promptly, aiming to make a final decision in early FY2017.Co also decided to transfer Miike Power Plant, a coal-fired power generation business operated by Sigma Power Ariake Corporation, a subsidiary of Sigma Power Holdings Limited Liability Company, a wholly-owned consolidated subsidiary of Toshiba, to the IDI Infrastructure 3 Limited Liability Partnership managed by IDI infrastructures Inc, an energy and infrastructure business investment fund. 6:14 am DigitalGlobe: MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates confirms it will acquire DigitalGlobe for 35share in cash amp stock ( DGI ) : MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates Ltd. and DigitalGlobe announced they have entered into a definitive merger agreement, pursuant to which MDA will acquire DigitalGlobe for 35.00 per share in a combination of cash and stock. The transaction values DigitalGlobe at an equity value of approximately 2.4 billion, and an enterprise value of 3.6 billion, including assumption of DigitalGlobes 1.2 billion in net debt. The transaction has been unanimously approved by the boards of directors of both companies, and is expected to close in the second half of 2017. Under the terms of the agreement, each DIGITALGLOBE COMMON SHARE WILL BE EXCHANGED FOR 17.50 IN CASH AND 0.3132 MDA COMMON SHARES, REPRESENTING A PER SHARE VALUE OF 17.50 BASED ON MDAS UNAFFECTED CLOSING SHARE PRICE OF C73.40 ON THE TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE ON FEBRUARY 16, 2017, THE DAY PRIOR TO MARKET SPECULATION ABOUT A POTENTIAL COMBINATION, AND A CUS EXCHANGE RATIO OF 0.7612. THE TOTAL CASH AND STOCK PER SHARE VALUE CONSIDERATION REPRESENTS AN 18 PREMIUM BASED ON DIGITALGLOBES UNAFFECTED CLOSING STOCK PRICE ON THE NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE (:NYSE) ON FEBRUARY 16, 2017. As part of the transaction, MDA will apply to list its shares on the NYSE in addition to the TSX. Upon completion of the transaction, the combined Company will coNTINUE TO EXECUTE ITS U. S. ACCESS PLAN STRATEGY. THIS WILL INCLUDE FURTHER REORGANIZATION OF ALL OR PART OF THE COMBINED COMPANYS CORPORATE AND OPERATING STRUCTURE TO ENSURE THAT THE ULTIMATE PARENT OF DIGITALGLOBE IS INCORPORATED IN THE U. S. BY THE END OF 2019, SUBJECT TO CUSTOMARY APPROVALS. MDA UNDERTOOK A CORPORATE REORGANIZATION IN 2016 THAT INCLUDED THE FORMATION OF SSL MDA HOLDINGS, INC. THE U. S. OPERATING COMPANY OF MDA, UNDER THE GUIDANCE AND APPROVAL OF THE U. S. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. SSL MDA HOLDINGS CURRENTLY OPERATES UNDER A SECURITY CONTROL AGREEMENT WITH DOD, ALLOWING IT TO PURSUE AND EXECUTE U. S. GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS THAT REQUIRE SECURITY CLEARANCES. 6:12 am Calumet Specialty Products reports Q4 EPS below consensus ( CLMT ). Co reports Q4 EPS of (1.01) vs (0.56) Capital IQ Consensus. For fiscal year 2017, the Partnership expects throughput to increase as it continues to optimize its use of heavy crude oil in conjunction with increasing the efficiency and utilization of its assets. Total capital spending for fiscal year 2017 is expected to range from 120 million and 140 million. The Partnership remains on schedule to achieve its 150 million to 200 million operations excellence initiative objectives by the end of 2018, with a projected 40 million to 60 million expected to be realized during fiscal year 2017. 6:10 am DigitalGlobe misses BY 0.28, BEATS ON REVS GUIDES FY17 REVS ABOVE CONSENSUS ANNOUNCES COMBINATION WITH MACDONALD, DETTWILER AND ASSOCIATES ( DGI ). Reports Q4 (Dec) GAAP loss of 0.17 per share, 0.28 worse than the Capital IQ GAAP Consensus of 0.11 revenues rose 6.1 yearyear to 192.7 mln vs the 186.05 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Co issues upside guidance for FY17, sees FY17 revs of 840-865 mln vs. 831.44 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate sees Adjusted EBITDA in a range of 380 million to 395 million sees Capital expenditures of approximately 100 millionquotOur improved results reflect solid execution against our strategy for shareowner value creation and position us well for 2017. We look forward to continued profitable growth as we expand our International Defense and Intelligence business with assured access to our newest high resolution satellite, develop new commercial use cases, expand our rapidly growing geospatial big data analytics platform, and realize the full potential of our services business with the addition of Radiant. Furthermore, we are pleased to have reached an agreement to combine with MDA as we separately disclosed today. quotBriefing note: The company has yet to issue the formal release announcing its combination with MacDonald, Dettwiler and Associates, and no terms of the deal were disclosed in their earnings PR 6:07 AM DEL FRISCOS RESTAURANT BEATS BY 0.04, REPORTS REVS IN-LINE GUIDES FY17 EPS BELOW CONSENSUS INCREASES REMAINING STOCK REPURCHASE PROGRAM TO 50 MLN ( DFRG ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.37 per share, excluding non-recurring items, 0.04 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.33 revenues rose 4.5 yearyear to 119.2 mln vs the 118.94 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Total comparable restaurant sales increased 0.8parable restaurant sales increased 0.1 at Del Friscos Double Eagle Steak House coMPRISED OF A 0.5 INCREASE IN AVERAGE CHECK AND 0.4 DECREASE IN CUSTOMER COUNTSPARABLE RESTAURANT SALES INCREASED 0.9 AT SULLIVANS STEAKHOUSE COMPRISED OF A 1.5 DECREASE IN AVERAGE CHECK AND 2.4 INCREASE IN CUSTOMER COUNTSPARABLE RESTAURANT SALES INCREASED 2.1 AT DEL FRISCOS GRILLE COMPRISED OF A 1.5 INCREASE IN AVERAGE CHECK AND 0.6 INCREASE IN CUSTOMER COUNTS. CO ISSUES downside guidance for FY17, sees EPS of 0.80-0.84, excluding non-recurring items, vs. 0.87 Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. Co sees FY17 total comparable restaurant sales of -0.5 to 0.5.Co sees one Del Friscos Double Eagle Steak House and one Del Friscos Grille opening in FY17.Co sees two Sullivans Steakhouse closings in FY17.Co sees FY17 cost of sales of 27.8 to 28.2 of consolidated revenues. Co sees FY17 restaurant-level EBITDA of 21.1 tO 21.4 OF CONSOLIDATED REVENUES. 6:07 AM HMS HOLDINGS BEATS BY 0.01, MISSES ON REVS GUIDES FY17 REVS IN-LINE ( HMSY ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.20 per share, 0.01 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.19 revenues fell 0.3 yearyear to 128.1 mln vs the 130.86 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Q4 Share Repurchases of 20.5 mlnCo issues in-line guidance for FY17, sees FY17 revs of 7-9 YoY to 530.7-540.6 mln vs. 532.22 mln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. including high teens commercial health plan growth 6:07 am KBR misses by 0.77, reports revs in-line guides FY17 EPS in-line ( KBR ). Reports Q4 (Dec) loss of 0.59 per share, excluding non-recurring items, 0.77 worse than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.18 revenues rose 10.2 yearyear to 1.19 bln vs the 1.2 bln Capital IQ Consensus. Co issues in-line guidance FOR FY17, SEES EPS OF 1.10-1.40, EXCLUDING NON-RECURRING ITEMS, VS. 1.31 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE. THE EXPECTED EBITDA RANGE FOR 2017, WHICH IS ON THE SAME BASIS AS THE EPS GUIDANCE, IS 300-350 MILLION. OVER 70 OF OUR PROJECTED EARNINGS IS EXPECTED FROM CONTRACTS ALREADY SECURED IN OUR BACKLOG AT YEAR-END 2016. OUR ESTIMATED ANNUAL EFFECTIVE TAX RATE FOR 2017 IS PROJECTED TO BE APPROXIMATELY 27 GIVEN THE MIX OF EARNINGS IN THE VARIOUS TAX JURISDICTIONS IN WHICH KBR CONDUCTS BUSINESS. 6:03 AM VWR CORP BEATS BY 0.01, MISSES ON REVS GUIDES FY17 EPS IN-LINE, REVS BELOW CONSENSUS ( VWR ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.45 per share, excluding non-recurring items, 0.01 better than THE CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS OF 0.44 REVENUES ROSE 1.6 YEARYEAR TO 1.13 BLN VS THE 1.15 BLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS. ON AN ORGANIC BASIS, NET SALES INCREASED 10.8 MILLION, OR 1.0, WHILE RECENT ACQUISITIONS INCREASED NET SALES BY AN ADDITIONAL 24.3 MILLION, OR 2.2.CO ISSUES GUIDANCE FOR FY17, SEES EPS OF 1.79-1.87, EXCLUDING NON-RECURRING ITEMS, VS. 1.81 CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE SEES FY17 REVS OF 4.56-4.61 BLN VS. 4.66 BLN CAPITAL IQ CONSENSUS ESTIMATE. 6:02 AM NET 1 UEPS TECHS RECEIVES A WRITTEN CONFIRMATION FROM SASSA THAT A FORMAL MEETING HAS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR MARCH 1, 2017 TO DISCUSS THE PAYMENT OF SOCIAL GRANTS BEYOND MARCH 31, 2017 WHEN THE CURRENT CONTRACT BETWEEN CPS AND SASSA TERMINATES ( UEPS ). 6:01 am Hilton Hotels authorizes 1 bln stock repurchase program and approves a 0.15 quarterly dividend also announces name change to Hilton Inc. ( HLT ). 5:56 am SampP futures vs fair value: -5.30. Nasdaq futures vs fair value: -19.60. 5:56 am European Markets. FTSE. 7230.36. -41.00. -0.60. DAX. 11856.94. -90.90. -0.80. 5:56 am Asian Markets. Nikkei. 19284. -87.90. -0.50. Hang Seng. 23966. -149.20. -0.60. 5:51 am Boise Cascade beats by 0.15, revs in-line ( BCC ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.11 per share, 0.15 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of (0.04) revenues increased 5 yearyear to 919.5 mln vs the 920.58 mln Capital IQ Consensus. Co anticipates capital spending, excluding acquisitions, of 75-85 mln during 2017, inclusive of the work being completed at Roxboro. 5:47 am Celgene receives EC approval for new indication for REVLIMID ( CELG ) : Celgene International Srl, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Celgene, announced that the European Commission has approved REVLIMID as monotherapy for the maintenance treatment of adult patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma who have undergone autologous stem cell transplantation The REVLIMID Marketing Authorisation has been updated to include this new indication, which expands on the existing multiple myeloma indications as combination therapy for the treatment of those not eligible for transplant who are newly diagnosed, or have received at least one prior therapyThe EC decision to approve REVLIMID as monotherapy for multiple myeloma in the post-ASCT setting was based on the results of two cooperative group-led studies, CALGB 1001049 and IFM 2005-02.10CALGB 100104 was a phase III, controlled, double-blind, multi-centre study of 460 patients with newly diagnosed multiple myeloma undergoing ASCT who were randomized to receive continuous daily treatment with REVLIMID or placebo until relapse or intolerance. IFM 2005-02 was an international, phase III, controlled, double-blind, multi-centre study of 614 patients newly diagnosed with multiple myeloma who were randomized to receive a 2-month consolidation regimen post-ASCT of REVLIMID monotherapy, followed by continuous daily treatment with either REVLIMID or placebo until relapse or intolerance 5:20 am On The Wires (:WIRES). Sony (SNE) announced that it will transfer certain rights and obligations related to shares of Sony Interactive Entertainment Europe, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony, and its related business, to Sony Interactive Entertainment, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sony, by an quotabsorption-type company splitEricsson (ERIC), Orange (ORAN) and PSA Group (PEUGF) have taken a signifiCANT STEP TOWARDS THE REALIZATION OF 5G TECHNOLOGY FOR CONNECTED VEHICLES AFTER CONDUCTING FIELD TRIALS TO TEST ADVANCED APPLICATIONS IN FRANCE. TO SUPPORT DIRECT COMMUNICATIONS TESTING, THE quotTowards 5Gquot initiative looks forward to welcoming Qualcomm (QCOM), as a new member. The9 Limited (NCTY) received a written notification from the Nasdaq Stock Market indicating that the Co no longer meets the continued listing requirement of minimum Market Value of Publicly Held Shares, because the market value was below the minimum requirement of 15 mlnToyota Motor (TM) delivered the first fuel cell bus sold under the Toyota brand to the Bureau of Transportation of the Tokyo Metropolitan Government. This FC bus will be put into operation as a Toei route bus in March along with a second bus that is scheduled for delivery in the same month. Qunar Cayman Islands (QUNR) announced that, at an extraordinary general meeting, the Companys shareholders voted in favor of, among others, the proposal to authorize and approve the previously announced agreement and plan of merger dated as of October 19, 2016, by and among the Company, Ocean Management Holdings Ericsson (ERIC) and WeDo Technologies have formed a global partnership to give operators the confidence they need when exploring digital services. This new solution from the two companies means operATORS CAN PROACTIVELY SAFEGUARD NEW REVENUE STREAMS, ASSURE HEALTHY MARGINS AND MINIMIZE RISKS IN A VERY DYNAMIC ECOSYSTEM. CHINA YUCHAI INTERNATIONAL (CYD) ANNOUNCED THAT 321 UNITS OF XIAMEN KINGLONG BUSES HAVE BEEN PURCHASED BY THE SAUDI ARABIA PUBLIC TRANSPORT COMPANY FOR USE IN MECCA. 5:17 AM MAGNA MISSES BY 0.11, REPORTS REVS IN-LINE GUIDES FY17 REVS IN-LINE ( MGA ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 1.24 per share, 0.11 worse than the Capital IQ Consensus of 1.35 revenues rose 8.0 yearyear to 9.25 bln vs the 9.21 bln Capital IQ Consensus. This strong year over year growth was achieved despite both North American and European light vehicle production decreasing 4 compared to the fourth quarter of 2015. Complete vehicle assembly volumes decreased 70, largely reflecting the end of production of the MINI Countryman and Paceman in the fourth quarter of 2016. Co issues in-line guidance for FY17, sees FY17 revs of 36.0-37.0 bln vs. 36.98 bln Capital IQ Consensus Estimate. FY17 Total Production Sales: 30.4 - 31.7 billionEBIT Margin: 3:29 am On The Wires (:WIRES). Prologis (PLD) and CBRE Global Investment Partners, a division of CBRE Global Investors announced the formation of a new development venture in the United Kingdom. Gemalto (GTOMY) and MPT are extending their partnership. MPT has acquired Gemaltos Device Management and Advanced Over-The-Air, in a bid to strengthen the relationship with its subscribers and expand its service portfolios. 3:27 am Prima Biomed reports H1 operational update reports cash position sufficient through 1Q18 ( PBMD ) : Co announce the following updates on our clinical applications of IMP321: AIPAC (Active Immunotherapy PAClitaxel), completed the safety-run in phase in December 2016. The randomized phase started in January 2017 with 30 mg of IMP321 as the recommended phase 2 dose. First patients have been recruited and we pLAN TO OPEN FURTHER CLINICAL SITES IN THE NEAR TERM TO RAMP UP THE PATIENT RECRUITMENT. IN TOTAL, THE TRIAL AIMS TO RECRUIT UP TO 226 PATIENTS IN A RANDOMIZED, PLACEBO-CONTROLLED, DOUBLE BLIND SETTING. TACTI-MEL (TWO ACTIVE IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS IN MELANOMA), OUR AUSTRALIAN MELANOMA TRIAL IS PROGRESSING WELL WITH THE FIRST PATIENT COHORT OF THIS PHASE 1 DOSE ESCALATION STUDY COMPLETED IN DECEMBER 2016. THE SECOND COHORT, RECEIVING 6 MG OF IMP321, IS UNDERWAY AND ALREADY 4 OUT OF 6 PATIENTS HAVE BEEN SUCCESSFULLY TREATED NO DOSE LIMITING TOXICITY HAS YET BEEN REACHED. FINANCIALS AS A RESULT OF CAREFUL FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT, PRIMA REMAINS IN A SOLID FINANCIAL POSITION WITH 15.5 MLN CASH AS OF MID-FEBRUARY 2017. BASED ON OUR FORECAST, THE CURRENT OPERATIONAL CASH REACH HAS BEEN EXTENDED TO END OF FIRST QUARTER CALENDAR YEAR 2018. 3:24 AM ON THE WIRES (:WIRES). THE AUTOMOTIVE INFORMATION SHARING AND ANALYSIS CENTER (AUTO-ISAC) WELCOMES BOSCH, COOPER STANDARD, HONEYWELL (HON), HYUNDAI MOBIS, LEAR CORP (LEA), LG ELECTRONICS (LGEAF) AND NXP SEMICONDUCTORS (NXPI) AS ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT SUPPLIER MEMBERS. THE INCLUSION OF THESE COMPANIES EXEMPLIFIES AUTO-ISACS CONTINUED EFFORTS TO PROMOTE COLLABORATION BETWEEN TIER 1 SUPPLIERS AND AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURERS AROUND VEHICLE CYBERSECURITY. THE COURT OF QUEENS BENCH OF NEW BRUNSWICK HAS APPROVED MARINE HARVEST (MHG) AS THE PURCHASER OF THE ASSETS OWNED BY THE GRAY AQUA GROUP OF COMPANIES. MARINE HARVEST IS PLEASED WITH THE DECISION AND LOOKS FORWARD TO DETAIL A PRODUCTION PLAN AND INVESTMENT FRAMEWORK FOR THE EAST COAST OF CANADA. 3:22 AM PLAINS GP UPSIZES OFFERING BY 8 MLN SHARES AND PRICES 42 MLN SHARES OF CLASS A SHARES FOR GROSS PROCEEDS OF 1.3 BLN ( PAGP ). 3:21 am Accelerate DiagnosticsAccelerate Pheno System and Accelerate PhenoTest BC Kit receives FDA Marketing Authorization ( AXDX ) : Co announced that the FDA has granted the de novo request to market the Accelerate Pheno system and Accelerate PhenoTest BC kit for identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing of pathogens directly from positive blood culture samples. The blood culture kit is indicated for susceptibility testing of specific pathogenic bacteria commonly associated with bacteremia, the leading cause of sepsis. The Accelerate clinical study included more than 39,000 tests conducted on 1,850 samples across 13 trial sites and exceeded the requirements of the FDA for identification and antimicrobial susceptibility testing. The study showed overall sensitivity of 97.4 and specificity of 99.3 for identification. For susceptibility, overall essential and categorical agreement versus standard broth microdilution was 96.3 and 96.4 respectively 3:16 am South Jersey Industries beats by 0.01 ( SJI ). Reports Q4 (Dec) earnings of 0.42 per share, 0.01 better than the Capital IQ Consensus of 0.41.Customer additions remain a strong driver of margin growth, and we expect this growth to continue as we strategically target marketing and sales resources where co has the greatest opportunities for conversions. For the year ended December 31, 2016, our customer count increased by 4,525, bringing our total number of customers served to 377,625.Software product innovators for the Architecture - Engineering 8211 Construction (AEC )vertical serving government bodies and construction enterprises SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd è dedicato a innovare i prodotti software affidabile e di classe mondiale per la nicchia verticale Architecture - Engineering - costruzione (AEC). I nostri prodotti consentono ai clienti di ridurre i costi, aumentare la produttività, avere il controllo efficace e migliorare l'utilizzo delle risorse in termini di persone, le infrastrutture e il servizio clienti. I nostri prodotti di fama: AutoDCR una vincita del premio di prodotto nazionale, che ha rivoluzionato processo di controllo piano di costruzione di organi di governo. Attualmente è implementato in 50 ULBs in India PWIMS lavori pubblici Information Management System, una rete commerciale applicazione off-the-shelf (COTS) in base per la gestione dei processi funzionali nucleo di opere di pianificazione, approvvigionamento e manutenzione di opere pubbliche organizzazioni. OPTICON un software di gestione struttura robusta appositamente progettato per le organizzazioni di costruzione. Con i moduli in modo intelligente costruito per i progetti, la finanza, macchinari impianti amplificatore, i vostri progetti di costruzione avranno la garanzia di rendimenti positivi. virtualizzazione BIM Servizi progetto sta guadagnando giorno dopo giorno importanza. Con la disponibilità di un modello 3D, prima dell'inizio della effettiva costruzione ha vantaggi multifold. Con il BIM, un design rimane coerente, coordinata e più accurata tra tutti i soggetti interessati con 750 anni-uomo di esperienza e di approfondimento cliente SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd ha sviluppato e-governance e ERP costruzione prodotti tenendo in mente le esigenze specifiche dei nostri clienti, si può essere certi che la vostra attività è in buone mani. Prodotti da SoftTech Ingegneri Pvt. Ltd. assicura: Produttività rampa Focus sulla funzione centrale della vostra azienda migliorata linee di fondo preservare la vostra companys beni investire tempo e denaro nella tecnologia di business SoftTech Engineers Pvt. Ltd. è il socio di fiducia nel vostro appuntamento per il successo.

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